Gassy Baby Help


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Hi All ,

Alyssia has been bottle fed from birth and on SMA gold had issues with constipation and wind and then it setttled down but seems shes suffering again. Tried Infacol before feeds and cant seem to get hold of any gripe water at the moment round here (been told manufacturers shortage) but Im wondering if we should try switching formula? Has anyone had any similar experience with SMA or can you recommend something else we should try switiching too cos she really is in pain and despite our best winding efforts its not helping. :(

Gripe water is the only thing that helps with my l/o's wind. I'm on tapatalk so can't see tickers but they need to be over a month to use it. Also getting carried round in a baby sling helps them too x
I tried SMA once and it made my 2nd son really sick and constipated so I switched to Cow&Gate and he was fine after that, just had normal wind now and again, I hate SMA but some babies do ok on it, guess it just depends on the baby, if all else fails have a word with your HV or GP and they might suggest a comfort milk to help with the wind and constipation, I know they work wonders but get it on prescription as it costs a lot more, Cow&Gate do one and so do Aptamil xxx
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I heard loads of good things about hipps organic milk as it contains a probiotic. I changed to that from aptimil. It's cheaper and really good. Seems gentler on her tummy. There's loads of reviews about iron Internet,

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