Chances of BFP BD night beofre +OPK


Apr 13, 2018
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Hey all, fed up of googeling, had CM 2 days ago, BD last night and +OPK tonight. Not sure when that means I'll ovulate but what do you think my chances are from those stats and DTD 1 night beofre +OPK?
Sorry I'm not the best for advice regarding OPK as we never used them. However I think if you've had a +OPK then you are likely to ovulate between 12-72 hours.
The sperm can live up to 5 days so you could well fall pregnant in this time. I would if possible
DTD again in this time frame just to increase your chances.
I'm not sure if my advice is thorough someone can correct me if I'm wrong, I just didn't want to read and
Run xx
That is a good time to BD in relation to the positive OPK. Makes it likely there were sperm ready and waiting for the egg. Of course that only gives you a chance of getting pregnant it takes a few cycles for some even way with the best timing.
Your chances are good. You can ovulate up to 48 hrs after a pos opk, so the night before a pos one is great. It's good to dtd every other day in the fertile period if possible.
You are definitely in with a chance. I had a +OPK on day 10 of my cycle, and we DTD on day 5, 8 and 10 so even if you don't ovulate for another day or two after your +OPK, you should still have a chance.

Don't be disheartened if it doesn't work this cycle though, unfortunately sometimes these things just take time. x
Thank you all so much! This is my first time on a group talking about it! I did another OPK this morning and just now and it was negative? I mean it was last night I got my smiley so I'm wondering could I have ovulated over night? Smithy, bunny, sunflower and elven thanks for much for replying!
Are you using Clearblue opks? Did you test with the same opks today? I get a solid smiley Clearblue the day before a positive on the cheap tests. People usually ovulate 12-36 hrs after a positive. If a test is negative after a positive it doesn't mean you have already ovulated....opks only track the LH surge not the actually release of the egg.
Hi sunflower, yeah that's it the clear blue ones. Yeah I did read that after I posted about the tests actually so you're right there. Yeah used the same opks 8am and 6pm and both negative. It's all so complicated isent it! We weren't able to BD anymore so it was just that one time the day before the +OPK. So doubt anything will come of it. X

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