Ovulation & Intercourse


Dec 9, 2008
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My opk has come back positive on Thursday, Friday & today. Hubby & I bd last night & will do tonight but should we have bd earlier?? I had a miscarrige a couple of months ago & my cycle was messed up a little.

Also, do anyone know what the chances are of concieving in normal cycle, having sex whilst ovulating??
Hi hon - I'm in the same boat as you with 3 +opks in a row as of today. :lol: tbh, best case scenario is to BD all of your potential fertile days (the 5 days before you ov) and the day after ov, in case you release more than one egg. The days that you have a best chance of conception are the 2 days before ov and sometimes the day after as well. YOu're definitely in with a chance, but with 3 positives, it's likely that, unless you get another + tomorrow, you ov-ed sometime today. I'd suggesting BD-ing until you see a -opk, and then once more that day. I'm sure your DH will be devastated! :rotfl: Best of luck, sweetie! :hug:
Oh, and chances of conception-wise...I'm not really sure, sorry. I've heard lots of conflicting info about this, from 1 in 4 chance to 1 in 6 chance, and even less depending on whether you have fertility issues. I've also heard that even if conception occurs, there's only a 20% chance of implantation. It's amazing it happens at all, really! :shock: I'm pretty sure that the 'average' is 6 months trying.
Thank you, we have been trying for just over a year & I have PCOS. First proper cycle in November & I got pregnant but I don't think it will be that easy again!!!
I have PCOS as well - it's been quite a battle this cycle (as you can see) but I think I finally got there in the end. :lol: We've been actively trying since the m/c in September and this is only my 3rd cycle... :wall:

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