Cervix position


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
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Hi - can anyone tell me whether your cervix is high or low when you have conceived? I thought it was supposed to be high and soft once you conceive but having just searched on google there are a lot of conflicting views. Does it tend to be the same for everyone or does it vary from person to person? I am currently on day 26 of my cycle and 9dpo. My cycle lengths tend to vary from 25 days to around 35. I had convinced myself I had early pregnancy symptoms but my cervix position is quite low and fairly soft so not sure if that's a sign AF is on the way. Can anyone advise me? Thanks :)
There realy is no right or wrong position it changes daily and could be high in morning low at night I am a cp checker and I have given up checking tbh cos its not a sure fire way to check if u have conceived as all woman are difrent and our bodies work difrently xx
Thanks jojo, the Internet is fantastic for finding out info but can also cause huge confusion with conflicting advice! I was convinced I would get my BFP this cycle but I tested this morning and got a BFN :-( just waiting for the witch to arrive now.
Aww ur welcome I know what u mean but google is actualy the devil in disguise hehe how many dpo are you? Are u regular with ur cycles ? Know when u oved? Cos we aint out till the nasty witch shows her ugly head so still room for gd luck xxx
Thanks jojo, i am now 10dpo but I think the clear blue digital tests are supposed to be pretty accurate arent they? My cycles are still settling down having come off cerazette at the beginning of Feb so they range from around 25 - 34 days. I used the Clearblue ovulation tests so I know when I ovulated and we definately BDd at the right time. I'm expecting the witch to arrive in the next few days but still holding on to a small amount of hope lol.
The clear blue digis rnt that sensitive if am honest specialy 10dpo I think they are only around 30mlu altho I have read they say they are 50mlu not sure which is correct and most ladies on here use the digis wen af is due or missed or got a possitive on a cheapie that's wat I did got 4 bfps on ics from 9-13 dpo then did a digi got 2-3, sometimes implantation is quik other times it takes longer so u have to take that into account aswel xx
Ooh, thanks for the tip Jojo - I may test again in the next few days if AF still hasn't arrived :) xx

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