Cervical Screening and pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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I was wondering what the deal was with this.
I have read conflicting views on if it is safe or now during pregnancy some websites say after the first trimester others say not at all and not until 13 weeks after birth!
I had an abnormal smear so need regular check ups at 6 month intervals and I have missed it as I found out I was pregnant when I went to make an appointment.
Has anyone else has the same problem? I try not to worry about and I am always on time with testing when it's due.
I have my first MW appointment on 12th april so may well have to wait till then to speak to them.
I was due to have a smear in mid october, at the beginning of october i found out i was pregnant. Didnt book one as i thought doctor would have informed the screening people of my pregnancy so i rang them and they said they cant do it at any time in pregnancy and will send out the reminder in Septmeber, 3 months after LO is born.
if in doubt ask midwife x
have had cancer and need lots of checks but they wont do it untill 12 weeks after baby is born.
In the US they do it as standard in early pregnancy I am sure.

Personally I wouldn't have it done myself, but I'd ask if you're unsure.

I had one back in December though so I am fine for another 3 years.

Having had lots of problems with abnormal cells and a surgery for it I was strongly advised to have my smear test when it was due in jan. I was told that pregnancy hormones can increase the severity of any abnormal cells and they needed to check it out. I had a dr do it at the hospital not a nurse who was aware I was early pregnancy do was extra careful. He said they did them all the time and it was nothing to worry about or they would not do them.
0o0o i dont know but i will need to know bcos i to had an abnormal result which neded loop treatment which i will have to discuss with the midwife (fc my latest test is a bfp lol) as it might mean i have a weak cervix :-/, they used to do smears here in early preg wen i had my first 22 yrs ago not sure wen all that changed tho but im onto yearly smears now and due in august x
My midwife told me they won't do one now i have to wait until after i've had the baby xx
thank you all for replying. I will speak to the MW about it obviously because I've had an abnormal result before and these are my check ups I'm just really aware that it needs doing and having to wait till after the birth will be nearly a year late! Argh..
Why can't things be simples! :)
I was 20 wks with my last pregnancy about 2 and 1/2 years ago, and had some unexplained brown spotting epu did a smear straight away they said to rule out an infection, It was unusually painful though , I think it's all alot more sensitive during pregnancy may be thats another reason . Needless to say they found nothing so still unexplained baby was just fine. xx
I actually got my letter to book my smear and my mw appointment the same day.
Its in my notes for me to have a smear 13wks after baby is born.

Not sure if they will do something if you've had previous problems.
Hi girls,

If you've got past history then why not ask for a colposcopy instead, that way they look and don't touch.

The reason they dint like doing smears as pregnancy can give an abnormal result.


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