Cervical Mucus .... warning TMI


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I was unsure whether to post this or not as it is quite graphic but you ladies are the only people I know who may understand or have some answers so I hope you dont mind and I apologies now if its a bit to much.

So my cycles are quite long last one being 42 days, I had a positive ovulation test on the 15th August so made sure we done the deed, on the 26th which would put me approx around 11DPO (here is where it gets nasty) I went to the toilet and I have been having some trouble going to the loo so it took a bit of effort to go but after I had finished I felt something very strange, when I looked down I had a large blob of CM literally hanging down from me :shock: (sorry tmi), when I wiped there was so much of it and it looked exactly like ewcm very stretchy etc..... the next day again when I went to the loo and had some trouble I noticed that I had another large blob of cm not as much this time but still plentiful, this time I took a OPK just in case it was negative which I expected it to be as I have already had my positive for the month.

I haven't had as much CM since but I have been getting quite a bit more this month compared to previous months :eh:

I haven't really experienced any other symptoms which make me think I could be pregnant except for the CM and cramp and to be honest I have been trying to avoid SS this month as I am finding it harder and harder with each month that goes by, but this has been bugging me as I have never had anything like it before, and I haven't heard any other stories of anything like this so am just confused and I suppose a little hopeful that this could be a good sign maybe??

If af is same as last month the I am due around the 4th... took a test yesterday and was a BFN!!
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hmmmm, apparently after ovualtion the body secretes progesterone (which makes CM thicker and stickier) If the egg is not fertilised the the progesterone secretions stop... CM dries up and Leads to AF. However if the egg is fertilised and successfully implants into the womb, progesterone continues to be secreted...

Good luck! x
Increased CM is ment to be a good sign, sorry no real advice didnt want to read and run xx good luck xx
Thanks girls, it was very sticky and there was loads of it...... but as I have learnt with my body it could just be another way of playing tricks on me... hope I dont have to wait to much longer to find out one way of the other x
I think it could be a good sign - like cherelle said.
From personal experience, I had increased CM since I got my bfp, it didnt kinda 'dry up' like it normally does before af! And it hasnt stopped since, apparently continues through most of pregnancy!

Good luck hun
i know what you mean i wish AF would stop playing tricks with me x
Our bodies can be very cruel Shauna fingers crossed that your pink spotting and my CM at both 11dpo is a good sign.

Another thing I have noticed in the past couple of weeks is that if I lay down on my back I sometimes struggle to catch my breath... my chest isnt tight or painful and I can actually breath but it just doesnt feel like I am getting a good gulp of air like something is squashing everything inside, but as soon as I roll on my side I am ok.... I think I need to trade my body in for a new one cause this one is buggered right up lol
Maybe you just tested too early hun? It's only a couple days til your AF is due so it's probably worth waiting to see if you are late xx
I think it is a good sign, I had loads of cm justbeofre my bfp, infact had to keep checking cos i thought I had started bleeding ( and still getting it lol) Good luck hun, fingers crossed for you x

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