Cerazette, is anyone taking it?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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I have just been for my 6 weeks check up and have been given cerazette.

I've never taken this pill before, I used to be on microgynon years ago but due to my increased weight after having my son the doctors refused to put me back on it.

How are other getting on with this pill? I'm really not sure if I should take it or not, the gp didn't seem worried about my weight and taking this pill so I'm assuming it's not an issue? My husband wants me to take the pill but I'm worried as I'm breastfeeding and the instructions say a small amount of the active ingredient will be passed on to my daughter :shock: This scares me to death considering I won't have a sip of alcohol as I'm worried it will harm her. Also the was a story in paper a few months back about a healthy woman who died due to a blood clot from the pill! :shock:

Are my concerns valid or am I just being silly? I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing

Please help xx
I'm on cerazette and it's safe to take whilst breastfeeding...the only difference is u don't have a weeks break,u just take 1 every day which can make ur periods stop completely or give random bleeding/spotting. Apart from that I've had no problems x
i was on cerazette for 4yrs b4 i changed my pill (before got pregnant) i loved it, but when i came off it for few months brake and went bk on it the symptions where bad.
but everyone is diffrent. i loved itm but did put on weight, started with heartburn couldnt eat certain foods. quite a few things.
I was given it too as I am breastfeeding, no problems except for light spotting every few days in the first month. Im also soo hungry all the time but that might just be from breastfeeding xx
Im on cerazette, and was before i got pregnant, i got pregnant on this pill but the doctor said this would be the only one he would give me so i am now on it again
I hated cerrazette, Constantly bled for like 3 months! Lots of cramps, Made me feel sick, My skin turned awful, and i gained a TON of weight on it (like 35 lbs >.<)
I've just been given it too, tempted not to bother taking it and risk breastfeeding being a contraception for now! Last thing I want is pile weight on now! Prob don't need it anyway, a new baby is the best comtaceptive ever lol!
I was on this after having my daughter but hated it! I bled constantly for months so came off it!

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