cd17... 6dpo... 5 days till testing. countdown...


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hey all :wave::wave::wave:

Yep as u can tell im very impatient and have to do a countdown because im driving myself nuts.

cd17, 6dpo, 6 days until testing

Ok so Ive decided to keep a lil diary here of what im doing before i go nuts. From some very good advice from TraceyM Im going to wait until day 12. Something tells me im going to do it 11dpo but we will see if I can hold out.

Symptoms - Not many Ewcm seemed to have cleared up and theres now a creamy consistancy not much of it mind. I had some browny horrid stuff before but that might be the end of AF plus its my first month off the pill.

My boobs are sore and nipples look like bullets from time to time. But this could happen every month and I would of brushed it off so it may be ovulation.

cheap tests lying in the drawer are calling to me every night. Ive told friends im on antibiotics and that i cant go drinking with them, oops. Just in case. I did yoga last night and did moves that u shouldnt do if ur preggers but i didnt find that out until afta hope everything ok. I asked this ''for a friend'' hmmmmm slightly ovious buts cool and wont say anything.

Going for a walk in a min to get rid of that excess energy then gonna eat my dinner xxx
I'm so excited for the end of the month testing. So busy :)
Oh....I know how you feel...once your getting closer, the cheapies are calling..."do me, pee on me, you might just get a surprise"

One cycle I started testing 6 days before, but it was no use. So, now I have a bit more self-controll....I normally test CD 28...

Good luck to you hun!:)
symptoms sounding good so far hon, fingers crossed your 2ww goes quickly and you get a nice BFP at the end of it x x x
Exciting, I'll be keeping an eye on this post xxx
i did it I peed on a stick BFN..... whata dope. Thanks girls xxx
I had a feeling you may cave in early, it's probably too soon for a BFP so don't feel disapointed and keeping thinking positive and wishing the witch away xx
Awww apple Im just as impatient as you haha!! I just peed on a stick too and got a BFN! 8DPO .. Doh!

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I dunno why I just had a good feeling this morning. oops. ahhhh well. It was an early one anyway but will do it again thursday and should kno then or just wait for AF? My belly keeps bubbling, ive got ewcm, boobs not sore but sensitive, peeing constant and cant seem to eat as much as i usually do. The thing is I dunno if im just seeing or feeling these things because im in 2ww. I dont take much notice of my body as it is. Bring on thursday I say xx
Hang on to that good feeling - might be your body knowing before a stick can catch up xxxxxx
8dpo gonnatest on friday now..............

Okie doke.

decided to wait and test friday. see how that goes ill be like 12 dpo then. having a really crap day had a barny with the OH and im not sure if thats me being moody poo or him. Bath and early night cuddling with my pooch I think.... xx
9DPO - I tested again :poas: I have issues

BFN as you can imagine.

*will leave until friday... will leave until friday* its my friends birthday friday and really wana have a few beers but cant really cause id feel so bad if I was pregnant. arrrrrgggghhhh the waiting game is killer. xxx
i'm dying to poas and i'm only 6/7dpo....ha i poas on a line...but i know its too early.. what are we xx
i'm dying to poas and i'm only 6/7dpo....ha i poas on a line...but i know its too early.. what are we xx

Me too and I'm only 5DPO :wall2: I did POAS on an OPK friday and ermm i don't even remember if it was saturday or yesterday now (my brain is dead lately) and noticable lines but thin probably just them fading away after OV
I didnt do it today I was a good girl. :)

Boobs still sore not as bad. Mad bubblin noises going on in my stomach but apart from that nowt!!!

10dpo ..... gonna test again friday and then thats it then not peeing on another stick. xx

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