CD15 no ovulation?

I would say today's 1030 test was 95% the same shade so sooo close been out all day had did a wee and needed another when I got back as drank lots while out going to try and hold it as long as possible now, but past two days I had food lines crappie pm ones so I don't hold my breathe, cm is ewcm and loads this am! I have 4 opks left and others are due Fri omg!!
Salley :- did u take soy if so what days? Sorry cant remember whos done what now, i THINK iv just got a matching line but not holdin breathe to much as past 3 days 1030 test was good reading etc, i have 2 tests left so will test again later, ( no doubt neg again) im now cd20 as well copying u it seems :p
Girls, my private gyno I saw told me not to wait till the second line is super dark. Once its pink it's a start. I always waited until it was very dark and started to count from then 12-24 hours. x

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Girls, my private gyno I saw told me not to wait till the second line is super dark. Once its pink it's a start. I always waited until it was very dark and started to count from then 12-24 hours. x

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Cd 17 18 19 I've had good lines at 1030 then faint afternoon and evening what's that about lol
Today cd20 and 99% it matches control line - will c what afternoon brings I have 2 tests left so can't do tomorrow lol
Charlotte, I had a faint line nearly the whole time.. We dtd every other day for the most part and two days in a row after I got the dark line so I think we're covered.

Tilly, I didn't take soy I read it's potentially dangerous if you ovulate normally.. I was going to try it, chickened out. Hopefully you're getting your positive today! Let me know what your test does this afternoon. Good luck!
Charlotte, I had a faint line nearly the whole time.. We dtd every other day for the most part and two days in a row after I got the dark line so I think we're covered.

Tilly, I didn't take soy I read it's potentially dangerous if you ovulate normally.. I was going to try it, chickened out. Hopefully you're getting your positive today! Let me know what your test does this afternoon. Good luck!

155pm test is almost the same, wooo so at least not negative like previous days! Wish I could upload pics to show u! I have 1 test left so I'll do that later tonight and see, can't believe I'll run out at a looking good point in cycle!

Oh's office is not to far away so he nipped back earlier on his lunch so we are covered for today as well! :p
Salley, I think you are covered for sure :) x

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And 630 pm is negative again seriously WTF stupid body out if tests now and Amazon said order coming Friday!!! I GIVE UP
Sorry for swearing
Tilly it is totally normal for the line to fluctuate throughout the day. You said you had a line of the same colour earlier, that is likely to be your positive. Do you temp at all? Maybe you should give it a try if you want to confirm ov has actually happened. I know everyone says this and it is so hard to do, but do try to relax a bit, getting yourself wound up and stressing about it won't make you feel any better.

Still negative here and my temp has gone back up to my pre ovulation normal so not expecting a positive any time soon. It really is no surprise that I don't get the benefit lots of ladies seem to the first cycle after clomid as my luck is generally pretty rubbish. So I've gone back to stupid long cycles straight away.
Really????? I thought ones line started to go dark they got darker throughout the day???
Confused more
Cd 17 18 19 I've had good second lines getting very close, and I think without checking always the 1030 is test, and it was that one that was the almost matching one today?
If what your saying is true ( Not that I don't believe you) then have I had a 3 day build up? Wow I hope so? I've no cm at all today yday I had so much in the morning then nothing towards end of day and stayed that Way.
I've done temp past 4/5 days but I'm having trouble sleeping at the moment but that's not helping! I tried years ago and that looked like a zig zag throughout cycle
Yes it is normal, mine usually start to get dark around 4/5pm for a couple of days before ov but are totally white or very pale at other times of day, then suddenly I'll get a positive. Wish I had taken some photos of my previous cycles opks for you then you could see the randomness!

My temps are also pretty zig zag (that is the pco for you, interfering again!) but there is a trend before, during and after ov even with the ups and downs. Stick with it and you should see a pattern.
Yes it is normal, mine usually start to get dark around 4/5pm for a couple of days before ov but are totally white or very pale at other times of day, then suddenly I'll get a positive. Wish I had taken some photos of my previous cycles opks for you then you could see the randomness!

My temps are also pretty zig zag (that is the pco for you, interfering again!) but there is a trend before, during and after ov even with the ups and downs. Stick with it and you should see a pattern.

I could kiss you here's to hoping!
Honey I agree with Snowbee. Stick with temping for a few months and it should show a pattern. It's cheaper too :) and you will defo know if you have ovulated or not xx
Cd 23 and I've definitely got a positive opk it was darker wahoo! Now for my temp to shift pretty please body!
Felt very proud when I saw that line!
Fingers crossed it's not a false positive or af doesn't come to ruin my excitement early!
Tilly did your temp drop today too? Congratulations!
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Past 3 days it's been the same but lower than rest of the temp only started last week temping
I've done a few today and ALL been positive even b4 when my wee seemed lighter but did hold it for over 2 hrs,
So I poured most away and added water and did another test and again the line is good not positive but better than my normal, they are new tests, same as normal but new batch, I also used them yday I got a good line but nothing major and rest negative? I bought boots opks and they look almost positive as well, yday were negative
So I don't know if I have dodgy tests / pcos messing them up or am I REALLY having a surge?
I believe if the line is dark, even if it isn't an absolute positive, you should dtd because ovulation is likely around the corner. FF says our fertile window is three days leading up to O. How's your cm?
But I'm confused why the test was still good after mixing with lots of water? but then the boots tests this morning have been good as well.
Ermm cm was ewcm yday today I noticed a bit earlier but not as much as other days, I'll check later, hope oh is up for another night :p and use preseed as well
I used preseed this cycle too, messy isn't it? Just give OH a strip tease, tell him he's sexy and macho.. stroke the ego. lol

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