CD15 no ovulation?

I'm CD19 and still no sign of ov for me too. Poopers.
Cd18 now and still no ov for me either..
Cd 17 and I had a God damn almost positive test this morning OMFG I almost cried!!!! I've had really faint lines all week then this morning a strong line! I hope I actually ovulate now!
Can't upload pics

How are you getting on?
That's good news Tilly, test again this afternoon and hopefully you get your bfp! I'm CD19 and still no positive opk. My temp rose significantly this morning so it's possible the opk just isn't picking up my ovulation? .. I'll see if my temp stays high in the next two days, if it does I had to ovulate.. Such an odd cycle.
1030 showed another almost positive but lunch was faint again??
CD20 for me and my temp has dropped so fingers crossed...
CD20 for me and my temp has dropped so fingers crossed...

Exciting! Fingers crossed
I've a banging head and I get bad heads normal when on af, and in past finishing and starting my pill so hormonal related so I'm hoping this is a good sign?
CD20 had a temp spike yesterday and a drop today.. Opk was the darkest it's been last night and I think I got my positive this morning. Going to test again this afternoon.

CD20 had a temp spike yesterday and a drop today.. Opk was the darkest it's been last night and I think I got my positive this morning. Going to test again this afternoon.


My oaks stayed negative yday pm after good am ones and this morning fmu and 2nd are really good again? So confused but still not defo positive
Well take faith in the fact that I'm finally getting somewhere at CD20, you're a couple CD's behind me so you still have time! Hopefully you get your bfp soon.

snowbee, how are your opk's going?
Definite positive opk for me, took another at 2pm - CD20

Still confused!!
Fmu good line
1030 good line
140 great line slightly lighter
440 really faint
8 test ain't working or on go slow and still all pink but can't even see line starting!
Cervix was high soft open earlier and shed loads of what I think is ewcm plus more than ever.
So I'm confused where and what happened
Maybe it's approaching Tilly, could you have bad tests in your batch? I had a similar problem when I was taking afternoon tests between my fmu and pm tests, I wouldn't get a line at all... I just threw them out. I didn't try to use another one though. I got a batch of 50 I'm sure it's possible some don't work right. Sorry it's so confusing and I'm sure frustrating! At least your body is giving good signs for fertility. I had ewcm for the first time on CD17 if that helps.
Similar happen yday as well with good lines in am and crap in evening, I only have a few left and others not due until end of the week but I hoped I wouldn't need them again but looks like I might.
Well I was having no good lines really until yday so who knows! Bloody bodies!
Im out most of tomorrow day anyway so can't keep testing either!
Well fmu can give false readings from what I've read, afternoon is the best time to test.
I hate this waiting stuff and if and when I do get a positive got to wait another bloody 2 weeks :( doing my head right in. Been tears and everything today :(
Still waiting here too. Temp gone back up then dropped a little. Yesterday had a slightly darker line so I was hoping todays would be darker still but nope, today nothing.

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