We have two cats - The Fat Three Legged Old *******, and Vagabond.
The Fat Three Legged Old ******* is confined to the kitchen, because he wees the hugest puddles onto everything. He's horrid. He's my OH's and is 15 now, too old to teach not to piss bucketloads onto things (like the moses basket... *******)
Vagabond, our rescue cat, is about 1 1/2, is quite child friendly and is very much a people's cat. She likes to sleep in the moses basket I've got set up, so I've got a towel in it to save it getting muddy, oh and it has laundry in it - means she can't sleep in it now.
Been quite worried about her sleeping on Daisy when Daisy is born - she doesn't like being shut out of our room, which is a shame... Lasy night it was half 2 in the morning that she was jumping on us.
One of the old cats my OH had with his ex, when my stepson was small, slept in his cot - but I don't want Vagabond in with Daisy til she's old enough/strong enough to push the puddy away.
We used to shut them both in the kitchen (there's a catflap) overnight, as Gizmo (The Fat Three Legged Old *******) needs to be kept from entering the rest of the house and she needs to get out to wee - but she started going to number 37 instead, and we never saw her, so there's a babygate in the kitchen doorway now.
Don't really know what to do - I don't want her in our room full stop, til Daisy is bigger - she'll disturb all of us otherwise. But I don't want to shut her out and risk losing her to another house. We went away for a night once and she went to stay with some of the local students at halls! Thank hell she's microchipped - she was returned by a sad pair of students who had enjoyed her love.