Caster Oil!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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My neighbour was due on Monday and I spoke to her yesterday & joked that I had caster oil at home from when my brother was really constipated and that if I kept getting all these false alarms I'd down the bottle...

...Anyway, she said "oooh go & get it!! I'm desperate" so I gave it to her, she took it at 6am this morning and within 6 hours was getting contractions!! She's in full labour now & has gone to hospital!

:dance: I helped!! x
dannii87 said:
My neighbour was due on Monday and I spoke to her yesterday & joked that I had caster oil at home from when my brother was really constipated and that if I kept getting all these false alarms I'd down the bottle...

...Anyway, she said "oooh go & get it!! I'm desperate" so I gave it to her, she took it at 6am this morning and within 6 hours was getting contractions!! She's in full labour now & has gone to hospital!

:dance: I helped!! x

Woo!! She best thank your brother too for being constipated!! ;)

I think Im gonna try it!

I heard it might just give me the runs...!

Oh bugger it its got to be worth a try!!! xx
Well, my Mum went into labour with me by drinking it too... & my friend!! Although my friend took 2 lots because the contractions started slowing down after a while but it worked with the second dose.

I wouldn't recommend downing the bottle though :lol: Now, I was genuinely joking about that!!

nutcase109 said:

I think Im gonna try it!

I heard it might just give me the runs...!

Oh bugger it its got to be worth a try!!! xx

It most probably will give you the runs! But always worth a try if you're willing!
ooooooooohhh i was due on monday.....i am soooo getting some o that!!! 8)

nutcase109 it is our turn to pop surely!! i dont even care at the prospect of the desperate!!!!xx
LOL but Claire, then we'll never know if it was due to me singing Annie or the caster oil!! :rotfl: x
either will be my new best friend!! possibly even godmother lol!! ill let you know later if i get the runs.....or a baby!!lol :lol:

i am desperate! sitting watching jeremy kyle in pants cos im so hot! 8) xx
i heard that caster oil can be a dangerous way of starting things off, so you might want to ask a middy or have a wee browse on the net first.
sparky said:
i heard that caster oil can be a dangerous way of starting things off, so you might want to ask a middy or have a wee browse on the net first.
yeah my friend got bollocked by her midwife for taking it
sparky said:
i heard that caster oil can be a dangerous way of starting things off, so you might want to ask a middy or have a wee browse on the net first.
Yeah it's definitely better to look up these things! I spoke to my MW (me and my neighbour have the same one) and my neighbour googled it before taking it, MW said it varies from MW to MW, some swear by it, others disagree with it. She said not to listen to the whole "baby poos inside you" because it's a nutrient and it passes through mother's body not her blood stream which means it doesn't go into baby and make baby poo. (Wow! That was a mouthful!!)

I guess (like a lot of things) it's down to a lack of facts & personal opinion... :think:

Who knows! But my neighbour's having a baby which I will get to hold soon!! :cheer: Selfish?! Me?! :rotfl: xx
My Sis got in mahusive trouble with her middy too.....

She then had the squits constantly through labour from it and even when she was pushing she kept runny pooping all over the place...... :puke:

She said the rumbling pains from the runs was nearly as bad as her second stage contractions!! Yikes!!!

Be warned, you may become a squit machine and spray your baby out! lol

C xxx
Cleo100 said:
Be warned, you may become a squit machine and spray your baby out! lol
That's something I hadn't thought of for a good few months - I am scared of my first poo after giving birth!! :shock:
I think I'll avoid the castor oil. I was expecting to be constipated throughout this pregnancy as that is what the books say but I've had the opposite problem apart from one day in first tri!!! I'm going three times a day and have been almost the entire time I've been pregnant!!!! It's like my metabolism has speeded up.
I was REALLY REALLY tempted to take the castor oil today, BUT i dont like the idea of being in labour and it just running out of me all the way through. :puke:
i tried it both times but it never worked for me, just had me on the loo all day.. x
desperate times.........desperate measures........

just phoned MW who said it can bring on labour (not always) as it stimulates your bowel. she said theres no bad effects, just the fact you may go into labour while literally sh***ing yourself!!!

then called OH who i have commanded ( :lol: ) to go to boots and get me some! he's home at 6 so will try it then!

Oooh how exciting!! We shall soon see what happens :lol:

Either way, if you go into labour I will of course take full credit seeing as though this was my idea! :lol:

Whether it was my wonderful singing or the caster oil I shall soon be known as...


"THE INDUCER" - Please refer to me as that from here on ladies... :D
Just been to Tescos but they didnt sell it! Shops are miles away so wont be taking it today! :?

Would be a bit scared of the runny pooing during labour!

Does anyone know if you can ask for another sweep electively? Im not due to see anyone again until induction at hospital next week, but desperate not to go that that far as I really want a natural homebirth...
aww....if i didnt already have a name picked out i could call him dannii after you! :D

well picked the name after our 4d scan so hopefully he still suits his name!! xx

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