Caster Oil!!

dannii87 said:
"THE INDUCER" - Please refer to me as that from here on ladies... :D
Super Powers: Creating the squits and babies!
Super Suit: Dark greeny brown - logo on front, carrot chunks!
my mum swears by it :? she told her friends daughter to take it and it started labour for her both times.

doesnt it taste horrible though??

someone asked about it at class last week and midwife said not to dare try it, it seems opinions on it are varied. :think:
dannii87 said:
Cleo100 said:
Be warned, you may become a squit machine and spray your baby out! lol
That's something I hadn't thought of for a good few months - I am scared of my first poo after giving birth!! :shock:

Take castor oil and it wont be something you worry about!!! I had her at 9am and when i woke up in the night (about 1am the next day) i went to the toilet and didnt have a choice but to "open my bowels" the MW's on the ward were very impressed that i'd done it that early after and i can assure you it didnt hurt at all!

As for castor oil... boots and supermarkets like tesco dont sell it. Lloyds pharmacy do, BUT they may not tend to sell it to pregnant women so get your OH to go in just in case, it's only something silly like £1.50 so if it doesnt work your not outta pocket.

I took double the highest recomended dosage (8 tspns i think) and the stuff is VILE i'd recomend taking it with some sort of juice, i diluted it a little downed it then rinsed the left over oil with a little more juice. I had some bowel cramps but no huge runny poos, it wasnt until my contractions started that they got a bit loose and emptied but i never had it full blown. I didnt poo myself during labour but i deliberately never told the MWs i'd taken it

whatever you ladies decide i 100% recommend that you google it and read some info on it! As far as i saw my only concern was becoming dehydrated so i made sure i had extra fluid after taking it and was fine, i can deal with bowel problems as i've had IBS for a while so that didnt bother me. I'm not sure if the castor oil worked or not but i certainly went in to labour after taking it!
Just googled castor oil induction and it also came with recipes, the one with 2 oz castor oil, juice and ice cubes sounded quite a good cocktail, i´m def going to have to try it if i go overdue as they leave you overdue more than 2 weeks here if everything going well and i dont fancy that. I dont fancy having the squirts in labour though and maybe only try enough to stimulant to get things going. will have to see what the danish equiv is or get my friend to bring some over from england next week.Would like to get to my due date though as that is when my mum arrives for two weeks to take care of the older children(and of course the housework lol!!!)Interesting to see if it works for anyone.
OK I'll be the down side here :roll:

Its not the nicest way to encourage your LO's out. It basically forces your bowel to contract a lot and if you are lucky (I use the word loosely there) you may start labour contractions. But do you really want to be sitting on the loo (or elsewhere) shitting yourself while in labour (I know women do have their bowels open in labour but castor oil will be totally different to the usual labour poo) ? It can also cause you to become dehydrated quickly (yes you can poo that much) and thats never a good thing in labour or anytime in pregnancy. And your baby is basically being forced out by you with no medical supervision or Doctors being aware of what you are doing.

And why take it when only a couple of days overdue? Why not give your LO a bit of a chance to arrive when they are ready within the 42 weeks. Forcing them out by starting your bowels off isn't going to be pleasant. And who knows what kind of labour a person may have if their contractions really kick in quickly and LO isn't ready. If you want inducing go see your consultant and get an induction booked and have it done in a controlled medical environment. At least then the Doctors will know what is going into your body to get baby out into the world.

There is a reason pharmacists don't sell it over the counter to heavily pregnant women. If it was meant for aiding childbirth they'd be happy to sell it. As it is, results are very mixed and you could be doing yourself and baby more harm than good.
After having Disentry which was like hell on earth , I hate having the poopies now :( It would be hell to have the poopies during labour...

My idea of a nice induction night would be a nice curry with pineapple for afters and lots of jig afterwards... :rotfl:

I kinda have to agree with Sherlock though on the basis that we don't always know ppls medical history, taking castor oil may seem harmless, but can be very dangerous for someone with IBS,Crohns disease or other underlying issues...

It's also one of the main reasons we are told to avoid certain foods which can cause bacterial infection which cause food poisoning therefore forcing your body to force every last content out and making your bowel contract in the same way our wombs will when we go into labour.

I also found out babies are often late because they got our dates wrong? Unsure if this is correct?
I understand everyone's points, I really do - and I definitely agree that it's something you need to look into etc, but some MWs agree, others don't - it's one of those things that has split opinions because there are no facts.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I only started this post because I was saying that my neighbour drank it and is now in labour!! lol.

BTW - Me being very nosey has just popped my head out the window and all her family have bundled in the car so I think she may have had her son! :cheer: Pleeeeeeease let her have had him - then I can get some much needed practice in before Evie arrives! :dance: xxx
i took it at 8 pm on the 27th and on the 28th at 6 am i woke up having contractions

my GP suggested i took it
i never suffered with a bad tummy
dannii87 said:
I understand everyone's points, I really do - and I definitely agree that it's something you need to look into etc, but some MWs agree, others don't - it's one of those things that has split opinions because there are no facts.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I only started this post because I was saying that my neighbour drank it and is now in labour!! lol.

BTW - Me being very nosey has just popped my head out the window and all her family have bundled in the car so I think she may have had her son! :cheer: Pleeeeeeease let her have had him - then I can get some much needed practice in before Evie arrives! :dance: xxx

Be gr8 if she was, shes gonna have non stop thanks for you when she comes home tehe
LOL depends if she has a good birth or not! I might not be welcome round there! :lol:

I have heard some very scary storied about taking castor oil so I think I will miss that one lol but like others have said, its down to personal choice!
Congrats to your neighbour Dannii!! :cheer: You will have to see if she lets you take a pic for us!! hee hee
SHES GONNA BLOW..............

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh no... I think I may well be known as the inducer after MissSara's post!! xx

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