Caster oil and Orange juice

What an interesting thread! Thanks for all the info. I'm due in 4 days with second baby. My first was overdue and I was induced (very unpleasant). I'd do anything to go into labour on my own. But I think I'm a little scared of castor oil now and won't take it. I'm bouncing on a ball and my husband and taking 6 raspberry leaf tablets a day and eating tonnes of fresh pineapple and staying active but there's nothing. Anyone got any other tips?
god i hate this topic. there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that castor oil poses a increased risk to the baby. the main concern is that it will cause the baby to pass meconium but it is impossible to research cos meconium is a sign of a mature gut in a post date baby. i think that this is what you are referring to heatherb my point is the meconium could have already been there??
i brought it but never took it as i was worried about having the squits in labour and actually going into labour????!!
at the end of the day its up to you. :D
my midwife swore by sex. i must say it was the worst sex of my life :oops:
:oops: i'm sorry bit slow on the up-take but what is caster-oil?? :oops:
Back in the 60s my mum had a bottle of it!!!! she was overdue and HUGE and was so desperate (her midwife suddgested it...she just didnt say 'how much' - so me mum took it all!!!!)
It actually didnt work - my mum went over due by 2 weeks.

I think i would try still just about coping so maybe closer my date.
Jayceesmumma said:
Ive heard caster oil and orange juice will bring on labour and will make it easier.. when some midwifes go against taking it. :think:
Any experiences or thoughts??

Chatting with my mum on msn i asked her when she took it and she said:
''a few days b4 ur due take with pure orange juice, i did with michelle as i was overdue, its suppose to start u off, it did to an extent but its hard to swallow and the midwifes know u have taken it, coz the baby is really clean''

my midwife has always told me that a baby will come when its ready and not before.
she told me a story of a woman she looked after who got to 38 weeks and took caster oil and the labour and birth were so fast the baby died and the woman lost a lot of blood etc.

Its really best to let nature takes it course. :)

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