Update: It was a chemical pregnancy so I'm back in the game and will continue with cassanovum. At least I know hubby's swimmers are ok.
Im really confused ... Everywhere online keeps saying the original doesn't have vitex in ... but on amazon it says it does, am i looking at the right ones? x
I think im gonna leave these for a while. It says you cant diet on them and the doctor said i need to loose weight again Ffs, i was so excited aswell. I had my hopes up for these now thats gone argh.
Am i on the wrong one?
It says on the 4th pic down... If its the wrong one, can you send me the link please x
It says iy has vitex in it to, everywhere on google says it doesnt, i was getting all confused! Hubby said i should wait until ive lost weight to try these :/
Might try soy xx
Oh that's weird, but it could just be a surge but not ovulating yet... I had that a few months ago. Don't give up, you'll get your baby eventually!!! X