Cars soothe baby?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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Right well i was always led to believe that the motion of the car soothes a baby to sleep....

NOT ELLOUISE!!!! hahhaha

she hates being in the car... well more to the point she hates being in the car seat and not in mummys arms... she's a lil monkey...

ask sarah! lol she screamed blue murder in the 5 minute trip on the way home and i had to pull over!!! hahahha

please tell me im not alone...?
alice used to always fall asleep in the car... not anymore. now she grizzles the whole time.

but..... put her in her car seat outside the car and she will sleep for ages!! :think:

and put her in my dads car and she is as happy as anything! i think she just doesn't like our car! :lol:
Mikes car has a huge exhaust system on it and its fookin LOUD!!!!
he had it fitted the week before I went into labour and it kept my mind off the contractions while he drove me to hospital lol!!
Jamie falls asleep straightaway most times we go out, both my boys are bass junkies lol!!! :lol:
Glad I am not the only one! Jacob has started to hate his car seat. I just have to lower him in it and he starts screaming! :shock: He will eventually fall asleep after about 15 minutes into the journey but he gets himself in a right state. We have a 5 hour journey down to Devon in a couple of weeks - that's going to be fun! It will probably take us all day to get there after all our stops!!
keeley used to love being in the car and she used to fall asleep after 5 minutes now she screams the whole time in the car and when i go to get her out when we've got to where we are going she has this huge smile on her face :roll: :)

so now if i have other people in the car they have to sit in the back with her :roll:

can't wait to get a front facing car seat :D
Phew! I thought it as just us! Logan loved the car but now he screams when we put him in the car seat!! The other day he cried for 40 minutes while we were driving! :shock: We kept stopping but in the end we just had to get there...
luke loves the car at the moment. he doesn't like being put in the car seat but when we're moving he drifts off. he likes mummy's taste in music as well :lol:
nah sorry Olivia loves the car, she used to the motion and noise when she was inside my tummy :D

When we strap her up in her car seat she gets all excited as she knows she going in the car, its very sweet, im am glad she does as me and H love goin to car shows at santa pod etc so its ideal she likes it too :)
Harry loves the car, he's asleep within minutes & doesnt wake up untill he's taken out the car
Alfie likes it but only for so long then he says "right mummy im bored now" but i find singing old macdonald and also recently that song "i feel good ba na na na na na na ... i knew that i would ba na na na na na na ... I feeeeeeeeel good ba na na na na na na ..." and so on gets him chuckling i think its as they get bigger the restricted movement does nanoys them, so im getting a big chucnky chair one soon i think he will love it, hes even like it in hiis buggy after so long gets frustrated although hes happier now iv taken the shoulder straps off ... he is strpped in firmly around the waist also with a safety bar so hes quite safe but now he loves it
Isabella falls asleep in the car about 70% of the time. She now is frustrated as she is so bloody nosey she wants to look out of the window but she is still in her rear facing seat.

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