Carol Thatcher a racist?

She may or may not be a racist but she certainly doesn't live in the real world. People like her grow up thinking they can say what the hell they like. How could she NOT think it's an offensive term?
Well clearly its not an age thing after reading some of the comments on this thread from young mums who think the term isn't racist or offensive :think:
:roll: I wonder how long it'll be before people stop referring to 'us' as 'young mums' like age has anything to do with parenting skills. That offends me more than someone making a remark about the colour of my skin.
I wasn't referring to Carol's age, more her upbringing.
Jade&Evie said:
:roll: I wonder how long it'll be before people stop referring to 'us' as 'young mums' like age has anything to do with parenting skills. That offends me more than someone making a remark about the colour of my skin.

I'm a young mum too, don't be so touchy. Carol Thatcher must be in her 60's.

And who mentioned parenting skills? :think:
I hope no one minds me posting on here :D Dont often get to come on this section of the board but as Im snowed in Ive been reading today!

Anyway I dont see how people can say its not racist to be honest, I certainly would never use the term at all, it wouldnt even enter my head. Its similar to all the fuss about Prince Harry saying "paki" a few weeks ago, that made me insanely mad :evil: Everyone said the same then, oh it was meant in a friendly way!! WTF?? How is that friendly? My OH is Indian and if anyone called him that Id be ready to kill and he would certainly be extremely offended (and would probably kill them himself :lol: )

I dont think it matters that she didnt say it live on air, she is supposedly a clever person and must have known that it would cause offence surely? If anyone said that in an office or work situation I can imagine they would be sacked or at least given a warning. And the fact that she wont even apologise makes it worse. She almost seems to be enjoying the way its being dragged out. And as for Jonathon Ross he did apologise repeatedly which I think is the main difference, he genuinely seemed to be sorry. And yes that might all be an act but at least he made the effort!

And also - god Im going on now sorry!! :lol: - yes black people do sometimes call each other niggers but I dont think they'd like it if someone of a different race did it and Ive never heard them using the term golliwog to each other so I cant see that they consider it an ok thing to say. I think sometimes being politically correct goes crazy and is ridiculous but when it comes to words like golliwog I think its a good thing.
mudgey said:
I hope no one minds me posting on here :D Dont often get to come on this section of the board but as Im snowed in Ive been reading today!

Anyway I dont see how people can say its not racist to be honest, I certainly would never use the term at all, it wouldnt even enter my head. Its similar to all the fuss about Prince Harry saying "paki" a few weeks ago, that made me insanely mad :evil: Everyone said the same then, oh it was meant in a friendly way!! WTF?? How is that friendly? My OH is Indian and if anyone called him that Id be ready to kill and he would certainly be extremely offended (and would probably kill them himself :lol: )

I dont think it matters that she didnt say it live on air, she is supposedly a clever person and must have known that it would cause offence surely? If anyone said that in an office or work situation I can imagine they would be sacked or at least given a warning. And the fact that she wont even apologise makes it worse. She almost seems to be enjoying the way its being dragged out. And as for Jonathon Ross he did apologise repeatedly which I think is the main difference, he genuinely seemed to be sorry. And yes that might all be an act but at least he made the effort!

And also - god Im going on now sorry!! :lol: - yes black people do sometimes call each other niggers but I dont think they'd like it if someone of a different race did it and Ive never heard them using the term golliwog to each other so I cant see that they consider it an ok thing to say. I think sometimes being politically correct goes crazy and is ridiculous but when it comes to words like golliwog I think its a good thing.

I agree with you :D
:shock: :shock: :shock:

PC gone mad LOL :lol:

my friends personally werent bothered, think they have more important shizz goin on than some batty old woman who makes no indentation on their lives talkin about things that she may or may not have any idea about :roll:
mudgey said:
Its similar to all the fuss about Prince Harry saying "paki" a few weeks ago, that made me insanely mad :evil: Everyone said the same then, oh it was meant in a friendly way!! WTF?? How is that friendly? My OH is Indian and if anyone called him that Id be ready to kill and he would certainly be extremely offended (and would probably kill them himself :lol: )

My best mate is Pakistani-the way he see's the word Paki is an abbreviation. Like British people are Brits, Americans are Yanks etc.
It's the way people choose to use words that determines if they are racist.

As for it being ok for black people to call other black people 'nigger' but not ok for white people to say it- :talkhand: That's racist in it's own right. You don't have one rule for one and one rule for another. :shakehead:
mummykay thats fair enough and its good your friends weren't bothered by it but racism is a big problem and silly comments like this one just remind us all how narrow minded some people still are :(
mudgey said:
yes black people do sometimes call each other niggers but I dont think they'd like it if someone of a different race did it .

Now this is one thing I dont understand!
If a black person is offended by the word Nigger they why do some call others that and its ok?! If its an offensive word then it should be offensive by whomever speaks it!? :think: :think:
Im British and I dont mind being called a Brit! I know a man from Pakistan and he doesn't mind being called a Paki! Now some might not like it then some dont like being called a Brit I suppose! But it doesn't get pulled into the race wars!??
Fair enough if the person wasn't from Pakistan when it was said but then I wouldn't want to kill someone if they mistakenly called me Welsh or something!?!? :think:
Jade&Evie said:
mudgey said:
Its similar to all the fuss about Prince Harry saying "paki" a few weeks ago, that made me insanely mad :evil: Everyone said the same then, oh it was meant in a friendly way!! WTF?? How is that friendly? My OH is Indian and if anyone called him that Id be ready to kill and he would certainly be extremely offended (and would probably kill them himself :lol: )

My best mate is Pakistani-the way he see's the word Paki is an abbreviation. Like British people are Brits, Americans are Yanks etc.
It's the way people choose to use words that determines if they are racist.

As for it being ok for black people to call other black people 'nigger' but not ok for white people to say it- :talkhand: That's racist in it's own right. You don't have one rule for one and one rule for another. :shakehead:
Ha just realised I posted what you said! :lol:
Jade&Evie said:
My best mate is Pakistani-the way he see's the word Paki is an abbreviation. Like British people are Brits, Americans are Yanks etc.
It's the way people choose to use words that determines if they are racist.

I was gonna say the same... I'd better start shouting when I get called a jock, etc. My future step brother in law (if there is such a term) is Pakistani and he has no problem with paki as in his own words "thats what he is"

Plus with regards to Prince Harry... it was army talk with a fellow colleague.... if you heard some of the nick names that are in our Sqdn alone of the TA people would take offence, but the people themself dont as they know it is in jest and all the ins and outs of it
sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

well thats just what it was wasnt it - words

had she taken a baseball bat to a black guy then yes, i would take that as racism as well as fuckin silly

the racism card gets pulled out more times than my whorebag mates willy and its a joke now

anyways im in a bad enough mood as it is and hav had enough of people dictatin what the rest of us should be thinkin so meh, cant be fagged
Jade&Evie said:
mudgey said:
Its similar to all the fuss about Prince Harry saying "paki" a few weeks ago, that made me insanely mad :evil: Everyone said the same then, oh it was meant in a friendly way!! WTF?? How is that friendly? My OH is Indian and if anyone called him that Id be ready to kill and he would certainly be extremely offended (and would probably kill them himself :lol: )

My best mate is Pakistani-the way he see's the word Paki is an abbreviation. Like British people are Brits, Americans are Yanks etc.
It's the way people choose to use words that determines if they are racist.

As for it being ok for black people to call other black people 'nigger' but not ok for white people to say it- :talkhand: That's racist in it's own right. You don't have one rule for one and one rule for another. :shakehead:

Maybe its just us then but at the time I did ask him and he said he found it seriously offensive and all of his friends felt the same. I think of it as a word that people shout at asians when they're insulting them. I can see your point about it being a shortened version of pakistani but I still think of it as offensive.

I know that if anyone called my baby that I would go mental :evil: Maybe Im wrong but I just think I would never call someone paki as a friendly term :? Same as I wouldnt use nigger, golliwog or anything else. Generally I dont find the need to comment on anyones colour, religion, race etc etc, I just try and treat everyone the same really. Probably Im naive but it scares me to think that my bubba might be subjected to racism as my OH has been :(
mummykay said:
sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

well thats just what it was wasnt it - words

had she taken a baseball bat to a black guy then yes, i would take that as racism as well as fuckin silly

the racism card gets pulled out more times than my whorebag mates willy and its a joke now

anyways im in a bad enough mood as it is and hav had enough of people dictatin what the rest of us should be thinkin so meh, cant be fagged

Well don't read this thread or post on it then! :roll:
Lou said:
mummykay said:
sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

well thats just what it was wasnt it - words

had she taken a baseball bat to a black guy then yes, i would take that as racism as well as fuckin silly

the racism card gets pulled out more times than my whorebag mates willy and its a joke now

anyways im in a bad enough mood as it is and hav had enough of people dictatin what the rest of us should be thinkin so meh, cant be fagged

Well don't read this thread or post on it then! :roll:
Lou you are usually the first to say people can post their own opinions
Lou said:
Well don't read this thread or post on it then! :roll:

Go and have a cuppa Lou and come back when you don't want to offend half of PF! :hug:

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