car seats!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
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Hi i know a few of u are far more organised than me :oops: but just wondering what car seat everyone is getting ??

I want one that just clicks into the car on the base but cant decide..I was looking at the mamas and papas one but the reviews arent that good..

We're gonna be getting the Chicco one that has the base it all comes with the travel system, we also have the carrycot with it that can go in the car.

I definately want the base as I have two older girls that are at school and I will be in and out of the car at least 4 times aday and the last thing I want is having to strap the seat in each time especially when it's cold and raining!!
we got the m&p one with base and i cudnt get the seat off the base and ended up fighting with it :rotfl: i just sold it on ebay today for £25 and we have gone for a Britax one that i will have to strap in each time. but im sure after a few times i will be a dab hand at it :?
You have to be very careful when choosing a car seat. Not only does it have to be safe and fit well in your car, but it also has to allow the baby to breathe properly and a surprising number of them don't allow them.

An acquaintance who recently had a daughter discovered this. His daughter ingested some meconium and when she was born had breathing difficulties and spent a few days in the SCBU. Before they let her out, they placed her in the car seat they had purchased and measured her oxygen saturation. It dropped dramatically so they had to replace it with a better make.

Here's a quote from a document he sent me:

Rear facing infant carriers causes “oxygen desaturation” in new borns. Oxygen desaturation is when the blood oxygen levels fall possibly to the extent that not enough oxygen gets to the vital organs and in particular to the brain. In some cases this may cause Apnea (a breathing/sleeping disorder) or Bradycardia (the slowing of the heart). Some experts believe that both Apnea and Bradycardia have links to cot death and one medical research report has now made this link. Others believe that the lowering oxygen levels can cause problems in babies’ development and /or learning difficulties in later life and again there are several medical research reports which makes this link. Whilst there is certainly some debate on the effects of oxygen desaturation numerous medical research reports have concluded that many newborns (and in particular low birth weight and pre-term babies) DO often suffer lowering blood oxygen levels when restrained in an infant carrier in the early weeks of life. The reasons for this may be varied but often include the facts that a new born can not hold their head (when the head "flops" the airway narrows) and that the lungs are less efficient if the chest diaphragm is restrained by the restraint straps. Additionally, when a new born baby is placed in a “wedge shape” the baby’s internal organs become “squashed” pushing into the lower area of the lung, the area in which a new born baby tends to breathe from. In the USA doctors recommend that babies should be observed in infant carriers before leaving hospital so to ascertain if they can travel in an infant carrier “healthily”. Sadly, however not all babies at risk can be identified and in the U.K. this procedure is not followed. At the bottom of this page there are details of some of the medical research reports. You can of course do your own research on the net try several search engines using a combination of the words “oxygen desaturation, low blood oxygen levels, car seats”.

I'll see if I can find his recommended list.
I am thinking of getting the Recaro Young Sport seat.
:shock: well i didnt know that.

Im getting a M&P one matching the pram but have to buy the base seperate.
We'll be getting the Maxi Cosi as we want the isofix base for extra safety (saves having to use a seat belt to secure it, instead it is secured directly onto the chassis of the car).

It also clips onto either the Quinny Buzz or Bugaboo - we'll be getting either one of these prams so we're just pleased that the car seat is compatible.

I am aware of the research that babies shouldn't sleep in their car seats for too long as the bucket position isn't good for them, so we'll be making a big effort to transfer them to their moses basket if they have fallen asleep whilst in the car seat (even if it wakes them up!).
Thanks for that info Matt, I hadn't heard of that before. I thought carseats were considered bad due to the spine issues. Luckily I don't think the baby will be in the car apart from at weekends. Everywhere I go during the week is within walking distance.

We've had to rule out a car carrycot cos it won't fit on the back seat because of James' carseat.

At the moment it's looking most likely we'll get a Jane Slalom Pro so we'll get the rebel car seat to go with it. Just got to find out whether it will fit our cars first.
we have also got a maxi cosi one, as it clicks in and out of car base and will click on our bugaboo, will save one hand to chase my 2 year old!
found this helpfull ... CatID/178/

it reviews them all

ive got the m&p one too , and altho it says its a lil upright it just reccommends the baby doesnt stay in it for long periods of time , but , thats why ive got the carrycot too , even if it wakes babe up ill be moving them out of the car seat !
Emma58 said:
I am thinking of getting the Recaro Young Sport seat.

ive bought this for when my parents look after the baby

not sure what we are getting, probably something that will work with our pram
mines a hauk winnie the pooh travel system, so car seat comes with it, need to have trial run i think
We've ordered the jane matrix cup carseat today. Thought it was a good choice cos when we're in the car it's usually for at least 1/2hour at a time (Aberdeen is 30 mins each way) so figured a normal travel system carseat wouldn't be a good idea.

With this one at least baby can lie flat in carrycot mode when we get to our destination. It's a shame the seat needs two seatbelts in carrycot mode cos they're won't be enough room in the car to use it like that if James' is there too.
muppetmummy said:
It's a shame the seat needs two seatbelts in carrycot mode cos they're won't be enough room in the car to use it like that if James' is there too.

I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it can be attached with a side seatbelt and the middle one. Have a look in the manual when it arrives.
Yeah you're right, you can use the side and middle seatbelt.
Unfortunately our L200 doesn't have any seatbelt at all in the middle, and the micra only has a lap belt. I'm totally gutted.
Might ask OH if its possible to get a proper middle seatbelt fitted into the L200.
Im getting a Maxi Cosi with the Easy Base, they come in loads of funky colours and patterns if you choose.

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