Car Seats - Recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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OK we need a new carseat for Ellie. Not sure whether to get rear & forward facing or just forward facing?? What do you think? Is it really unsafe to have them forward facing at 9 months as I know they recommend rear for as long as poss but her legs are scrunched up against the seat so not sure what to do!

I'm looking and there are so many ranging from quite cheap to mega expensive but they all seem to do the same :think: obv the safety of Ellie is most important but is there any need in spending loads on one or are the cheaper/ mid range ones just as good? I presume they all meet the same standards etc?

Whats the difference between THIS @ £29.99 and THIS @ £129.99 As far as I can see they do the same job?!

Thanks x
If you are really unsure have a look at the which site, you can join for a month for £1 and you can read all their reviews and safety reports. We will prob be moving LO at 9 months as she is a big baby and will outgrow the one we have, we are going for a forward facing and are getting the MaxiCosi priorifix (think Maxi Cosi are one of the better brands)
We've decide to keep Galen rear facing until 4 if possible. Going to go get him an imported rear facing car seat designed for this in the next few months. They fix over the footwell so child has room for legs and feet as they grow.

There was a thread that people talked about rear or forward facing from 9 months and tbh having read the rear facing website and seen the clips, I'm convinced its the way to go for us. Its going to cost a bit (inc Isofix base) but I think its worth it.
We have a Maxi Cosi Tobi... It was reduced to £99.99 from £175 so we bought it ready for when she needs it.
I have the maxi cosi priori xp and its fab!!!! I tried him in it and he loves it!! Fell asleep in it in the house!
I LOVE my Maxi Cosi Priori XP (got it in the sale). For me it was about a well recommended safe brand (this came up top in the Which tests) and comfort - the difference between the two you have above, would be baby's comfort I think. I know someone with a 2 year old who bought a cheap 2nd stage car seat (Fisher Price I think) who wishes she had spent the extra on a 'brand' now as its not very comfy for her LO.

Valentine Xxx
Sherlock said:
We've decide to keep Galen rear facing until 4 if possible. Going to go get him an imported rear facing car seat designed for this in the next few months. They fix over the footwell so child has room for legs and feet as they grow.

There was a thread that people talked about rear or forward facing from 9 months and tbh having read the rear facing website and seen the clips, I'm convinced its the way to go for us. Its going to cost a bit (inc Isofix base) but I think its worth it.

hiya hon

do you know if the up-to-4 rear facing seats def need isofix? our car doesn't have the fix points...

where will you import yours from?


Have a read here

They list places and ways to go about getting rear facing etc. And I am sure you can find out what, if any of them will fit your car. As we got a new car recently and it has Isofix we are going with that option. But there are some ones out there that don't require it. The top link on that page goes to the store in Milton Keynes, but here is the link anyways

We shall probably go to the store and have it all fitted, so it'll be a day out for us :)

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