Car seat/pram question for mummies already with children


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2015
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Hi ladies

I have been looking at prams and car seats the past couple weeks and am wondering if anyone can shed some light.

The pram I like is the prestige. It comes with a car seat that attaches to the pram frame. Realistically how often do you use the car seat on the pram wheels?

The reason I ask is I saw a car seat I liked that does from birth right up to full grown child for £200.

The one that comes with the pram only does to 6-9 months and is £120.

So, am I worth spending that amount and only having use for 6-9 months? Just for the convenience of not waking a child to move them from car seat to pram?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated xx
I found it so handy to clip the car seat onto the pram, she's 9 months now and it's still handy for running into the shops or whatever. When they're tiny and fall asleep in the car you don't really want to lift them and wake them so helped for that too. Although they aren't supposed to be in the car seat for long periods.

In all honestly I wish I hadn't spent so much on my pram, it's a pain to cart it about and I've already bought a stroller to use instead x
With both my 2 I used the car seat on the wheels every time I was out in the car. Was a godsend for popping into the shops etc without having to wake a sleeping baby.

What car seat comes with it? Infant carriers can be used until baby's head is just under the shell of the seat I'm sure. My little boy is nearly 11 months and still has loads of room in his infant carrier. Don't use it on the wheels anymore as he's too nosey and likes to see what's going on. He will be in that seat I reckon until at least the start of winter. X

Also agree with what rainbow says. By the time both mine were 7-8 months I bought a stroller for the car as the wheels for the travel system are too bulky and faffy! X

As others have said its very handy to use the car seat with the pram when shopping etc, especially when they are very small as its such a faff getting them in and out the seat and pram. Especially if you wake them and then it could take a while to settle them again. I used our first infant carrier car seat that come with the pram until my daughter outgrew it at around 15 months. X
Firstly, you need to take the carseat into the hospital when baby comes as you can't leave building unless baby securely strapped in carseat. So a portable one is must for then plus using on the pram is great for short pop outs, worth it. Xx

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Also out of curiosity what i-size compliant carseat did you find for 200? I'm looking for a second but are all over 300 that I've seen!

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I had a travel system when I had my daughter and used the car seat attached to the frame all the time, because if baby is asleep in the car and you have to get baby out, you can easily just take the carseat out with out disturbing the baby!

I have bought a travel system again. I used mine til my daughter was about 2, and yeah I bought a stroller as well just for convenience every now and then but I loved my travel system so much last time - I can't wait to use it again! x
We used it all the time and will be doing so again this time. You might want to look at the car seat options though. Our first seat lasted our daughter 15 months (and she hadn't actually outgrown it at this point!) so one that is only up to 6-9 months sounds quite small and not very cost effective. Our pushchair was compatible with quite a few seats using adaptors.
Just be aware of carseat and SIDS particularly in the newborn as they should be flat. Their airway should be in neutral and not scrunched when elevated. Carseat usage should be for short periods. I had a travel system but switched at 6 months to a proper carseat and got the cybex sirona (extended rear facing a)nd swivels as I have a bad back.
I used mine for 5 months then got britax dualfix -swivels and rear faces until 4 years. Didnt like the cybex because of the cushion you have to wear for safety, my friends child is 2 and a half and wriggles out mid drive... Plus I saw a scary video on YouTube about the dangers of carseats with the cushion things so be careful! I'm pretty sure they must be fine though or there's no way they could sell them just put me off!

Anyway this time I think I'll do the same, maxicosi until big enough then swap to another britax dualfix or nuna rebel

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Both times we've used a travel system and its been handy for short trips to the shops. I don't tend to use it for longer walks out or shopping trips because of the risk of sids like was mentioned above.

I think the thing to consider with a seat that potentially covers a significant age range is the safety rating of it, it may cover the basic standards for safety but that might be it. The infant carriers are the safest seats you will buy as they have a very cocoon like protective shell, and they rear face which is the safest way for a young child of 4 and under specifically to travel as at those ages their heads are out of proportion to their bodies and their skeletons are still forming etc.

There is an excellent group on Facebook called car seat advice for mummies and daddies that gives great advice and you can read about lots of different car seats. Might be worth a look
Wow thanks for all your replies ladies. Looks like convenience wise I should just get the car seat that goes with the pram and replace it when baby grows too big.

The one I saw for £200 was a joie one prettypee. Il see if I can find the link.

The car seat that goes with the pram is a prestige one. That's the make of it.

This one prettypee$ja=tsid:60494%7Ccgn:GoogleShopping%7Ckw:186233&istCompanyId=b8708c57-7a02-4cf6-b2c0-dc36b54a327e&istItemId=qitttipat&istBid=tzxm&_$ja=tsid:35522|cid:344535484|agid:25437357724|tid:pla-221240953924|crid:89797551964|nw:g|rnd:9011977768711056519|dvc:m|adp:1o1&gclid=CjwKEAjwkPS6BRD2ioKR7K245jASJAD1ZqHOF2xc0reLU1dH2VD4CInD-Qy1XbLqJCVa2aqM4RYAVxoCeEfw_wcB
I had a travel system, as was always in the car it was a life saver the car seat just clicking onto the frame. Used it majority of the time. Such a time saver and so convenient. By time you'd got baby out of carseat, strapped into pushchair etc, in bad weather you could have a very wet baby & pushchair.
I bought a universal carseat rain cover too so that fitted perfectly over the top. Once LO reached 9 months i put him in a 0/1 stage seat. They can only be in the carseat for 2 hours at a time, but chances are youd get them out for a feed/change within that period anyway. If I knew I was going to be longer when out for the day, I would use the normal pushchair x
We've got the Joie stages for grandparents cars which is this older version of the every stage. They are fab car seats I have to say, great for people on a budget
I used my car seat on the pram every day for 8 months I didn't use the stroller type part until he was about 9 months
I had a travel system but never used the car seat on it. We live 30+mins from anywhere so I just felt it was too long to have her in the car seat. If I was dashing in somewhere I just carried the seat. If we went shopping them we just used to pop her in the trolley crib thing at asda. I always took my sleeping baby out of her car seat and she rarely woke and if she did she didn't cry, just used to look at everything. My mum had a stroller suitable from birth left from my niece and I actually used that from a few weeks as the pram was too faffy. Next time I'm going to get a second hand pram for the odd occasion I need it but I certainly wouldn't pay out for a new one unless you walk a lot!

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