can't sleep :(


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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The past 3 nights now Iv gone to bed about midnight, really tiered and then just toss and turn in bed for hours because I can't sleep :(
My partner walked out just over a week ago and Im still getting over that at the moment.
I just can't get my brain to switch off.
Then at 7:30 when my lovely monkey wakes up blowing rasberries at me all I want to do is sleep.
Anyone had this, and got any tips on how to get to sleep?
I had a similar experience for the first few weeks. I think it was all excitment about finding out we'd finally managed to succeed.

But last weekend it all changed and now I sleep all the time I have nap times in the evening when I come home and still go to bed early and have a good night sleep.

Just catch up on sleep whenever you can and I'm sure it wont last too long. xxx
I was'nt sleeping up until last week but nowim sleeping well and napping in an afternoon as getting more tired. It cant help that your partner has walked out either as im sure thats on your mind too. Im not sure what to suggest I didnt want to read and run. Hopefully you will start to feel more tired as time goes on.
I went through a stage like that whereas i wasn't sleeping very well but it got so much better and now im getting some good zzzzz's and feeling great during the day.

I tell ya what did work well for me though, bodyshop do a lovely lavender sleep spray thingy and its so soothing, it may even help ya de-stress a little as you sound like you have a lot on your mind :(

Hope you get a decent nights sleep soon xxx
I had this last night :wall: asleep before 1am and awake at 2! Then awake at 4 + 5 :eh: Thought maybe it was because the kids weren't well but they slept really sondly last night so it wasn't that :wall2:
I seem to be having a phase of having more bad nights than good nights at the moment. I'll go for 3 or 4 nights where I have very little sleep (judging by the amount of times I look at the clock and watch the hours tick by), then I'll have one or two good nights sleep - interrupted only by a loo trip or two.

Often it's because I've got something on my mind, but sometimes it happens even if I haven't. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind, I'm really sorry to hear about your partner walking out.

All I can recommend is some self-pampering. A warm bath an hour or two before you go to bed, using your best pampering bubble bath etc. Oh, and freshly laundered sheets, I LOVE freshly laundered sheets!
I seem to be having a phase of having more bad nights than good nights at the moment. I'll go for 3 or 4 nights where I have very little sleep (judging by the amount of times I look at the clock and watch the hours tick by), then I'll have one or two good nights sleep - interrupted only by a loo trip or two.

Often it's because I've got something on my mind, but sometimes it happens even if I haven't. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind, I'm really sorry to hear about your partner walking out.

All I can recommend is some self-pampering. A warm bath an hour or two before you go to bed, using your best pampering bubble bath etc. Oh, and freshly laundered sheets, I LOVE freshly laundered sheets!

Ooo I love freshly laundered sheets, so nice :)
Will defiantly try the bubble bath thing before bed, I haven't had a bath in what a year now, showers for me atm :lol:
God I remember having this at the same time you are just had things on my mind and couldn't switch off I found a few drops of lavendar on the pillow helped. I got a spray from avon aims to help you sleep and also a cream you rub on your temples it did help me and still does occassionally, and I also flipped the mattress think that confused my body
Sorry about your partner , the sleep may be quite preg related , and once your awake you start thinking about everthing and then can't go back to sleep.

I have had my sleep routene all over the place since about 4 weeks, one of the reasons I thought I was pregnant as that happened in Jan too (when preg before).

I tried camomile Tea , it smelled lovely, tasted a bit strange, but it really made me tired!!

It's better now , I am now going to bed early and getting up early, and then conking out in the afternoon the odd time on the weekend, and just have to try and keep my eyes open at work!

Hope it settles soon into a better sleep patern
it must be our stage hun, as i've been having this problem for the past 4/5 nights now and its driving me mental!

I love love love my sleep, me and lil man (3) usually sleep for a good 11 hours undisturbed!

Praying this baby takes after his/her big brother! :D

Hopefully it will pass soon

The only thing i've found that helps is drinking half a glass of an energy drink such as redbull (or stores own version) half an hour before you plan to go to bed, as it really helps your body have the "energy" to shut down and go to sleep.....i promise it does not wake you up xxxxx
The past 3 nights now Iv gone to bed about midnight, really tiered and then just toss and turn in bed for hours because I can't sleep :(
My partner walked out just over a week ago and Im still getting over that at the moment.
I just can't get my brain to switch off.
Then at 7:30 when my lovely monkey wakes up blowing rasberries at me all I want to do is sleep.
Anyone had this, and got any tips on how to get to sleep?

meditation is very good, i couldnt sleep after my baby died and i tried it, it worked wonders, it helps to clear your mind
i know its hard at the moment but believe that it really is his loss youll be just fine:hug:
I had exactly the same thing it's called "Insomnia" my midwife told me.
Anyway what I found worked for me was buying a 6ft pregnancy pillow and that worked wonders for me,I have the best sleep in the world with that although I do find I sleep better In the day and I dont know why this is.
Anyway I would reccomend investing in one of these pillows and you should get to sleep
sorry that your partner walked out, that can't be easy. get a big maternity pillow cos they are so comfy and it will come in handy later on when your big and cant sleep!

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