Can't Sleep - Getting Really Fed Up

I've just this minute got back from the midwife and had asked for advice on the same thing, she suggested all the things that everybody on here has. A nice warm bath helped for me last night, and also propping myself up with pillows but that was mainly to help the heartburn, I don't know if that would help with acid reflux though :( :hug:
Can totally sympthasise
I can't sleep at the mo :(
I'm an insomniac anyway - I find it impossible to clear my head and will go over and over the smallest thing all night, worrying and stressing (even silly things like "I mustpost such-and-such on the forum tomorrow :lol: will go round and round my head, I'll plan the whole darn post out and then my brain will start imagining the replies and inevitably it will imagine someone being really nasty :roll: I'm weird I know!)
I just can't get comfy at the moment either. To fall asleep I have to be on my front and thats obviuosly not an option. I sometimes make a nest with my 5foot pillow which helps, but DH likes to take up 3/4 of our king size bed :x meaning I don't have the space to do it!
Plus it really aggravates my acid reflux (fun isn't it!)

Still I keep telling myself I planned to get pregnant so I brought it all on myself! :lol:
I can't imagine having a bath right before bed. I always have mine around 5.30-6pm. I could try it I guess, along with the warm milk and reading LOL! Busy! Busy! Busy!
SuziQ said:
Emma58 said:
SuziQ said:
like a hot milky drinks (not good for us pregnant ladies actually...)

Why can't we have a hot milky drink??

If I can't sleep i usually listen to the TV or put music on and i nod off in no time.

U can have hot milky drinks.. but just before you go to bed, would mean that I, for one, would be getting up and going to the loo loads :-)


:doh: :doh: Had a pregnant moment there obviously!

Same here I'm thinking of setting up a little camp in my bathroom and sleeping in there.
To save getting up and going all night
How did u get on last night Debbie?

Manage any sleep?

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