Cant sit down!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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What the title says really :lol: Im finding it hard knowing what to do with myself. I cant sit down as my bum hurts so much. I think it must be baby pressure :think: I can only sit for 5-10mins before it hurts, cant stand up else my feet swell within 5 mins and laying down is just as painful LOL I refuse to get annoyed now so Im just finding it so amusing that Im a decrepid mare who acts about 90.....this will all be a distant memory in a few weeks! Maybe tommorrow as its full moon!! :cheer:
oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
ur almost there, I feel my feet hurts when i stand in the shower, really strange. :think:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Awww the last few weeks are a nightmare to get comfortable!

I can't sit on anything that puts pressure on my bum, I get sharp shooting pains if I do. Have you tried sitting on the birthing ball? That is the only thing I find that helps, or perching on the end of a chair and leaning forward.

The car is an absolute nightmare because the bucket seat forces you back onto your bottom.

I hope you can find a way to get comfy, it really sucks!! :hug: :hug:
Yep, the only place I can sit for a while is my ball..even that leaves me like a very gay John Wayne :lol:

Poor you HB, I wouldnt fancy trying to sit in a bucket seat!!!! :|
Tillytots said:
Yep, the only place I can sit for a while is my ball..even that leaves me like a very gay John Wayne :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: bless you honey!! The things we put up with for a baby!!! :)
oh it will all be over soon, thats whats keeping me going :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
What about a beanbag or the ones that look like chairs but are filled with beans? Have seen them in Dunelm, might br worth going and trying one (if there is a store near you),

Poor you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Beanbags might be very comfy, but id love to be a fly on the wall watching you trying to stand up again. :rotfl: :rotfl:
chickadee1976 said:
Beanbags might be very comfy, but id love to be a fly on the wall watching you trying to stand up again. :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: love the beanbag idea but I wouldnt get back up again....I have trouble with the sofa & getting off the bed. Im just past it girls... :lol:
Awwwww I'm with you on this one Tilly. Only I've not got the swollen feet. Its a pain in the arse, literally sin't it :lol:

I was in tears of frustration at 5am this morning from it all. Not able to sit, stand, lie... In the end I woke hubby and said I needed a cuddle. Bless he obliged. He then made me a cup of tea and brought me it in bed with some biscuits :lol: After whinging to him for 15 minutes he of course fell back to sleep and is still there, but ah well.
That's why during the last couple of weeks I used to lay down anywhere I could, sofa, bed, floor. I was like a sloth, but hey, being heavily pregnant can really take it out of you.

Not long now chic xx :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Hopefully tomorrows full moon will put loads of us out of our misery! :pray:
I sat up this morning only to lie back down suddenly as it felt like a hot poker was being dug into my backside! Was really rather strange!

Not long left hun :) xxxx
Get one of those rubber ring donut things! they're great for pains before birth and definately after if you have stitches!

I had my nieces pink barbie swimming pool ring! slightly embarrassing but hey it did the trick!!
i am the same tilly

i was so hoochie last night, could not sit, lie, i have varicosities too and they hurt sooo much, I can sit on my ball but Oh has blown it up to much and now it is too high.
lying down hurts due to the weight, seems to make me crampy and put pressure on my pelvis
not long, think we are both going be may, yeah i am going with my orginal due date which is 3rd may, il get induced then if i don't pop before too

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