Can't seem to calculate AF, any advice?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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I'll start off by saying that my periods have always been irregular for no reason. They used to be horribly heavy and painful, then I was on and off the pill for 8 or 9 years which kept it predictable. I never had any problems after coming off the pill 2 years ago, and stayed basically regular (in comparison to the way it used to be sometimes) with the odd anomoly (sp?).

Anyway, since January this year, I've been tracking my cycles, knowing that we'd be ttc soon after we got married. We haven't used contraception for over 2 years but we stopped using the withdrawal method in June. So I count June/July as ttc cycle 1. So that's when I started using mymonthlycycles to track ovulation, etc. I've also since started using countdowntopregnancy, as you can see by my ticker.


I realised last night I'd been calculating wrong since June, and it completely messed up my predictions. So, I've just dug out my old 2010/11 diary (I use academic diaries not yearly diaries as I'm a teacher) and looked at where I tracked the beginning of the year's cycles.

It read as follows:

January AF 18th 19th 20th 21st
February AF 15th 16th 17th 18th
March AF 15th 16th 17th 18th
(and that's when I lost my diary apparently!!)

At this point I wasn't tracking OV or anything, so nothing in it about CM or anything else.


That seemed fairly normal at the time, 28 day cycles, nothing special about that, one would assume that's how it would continue. Therefore one assumes the following:

April AF 12th 13th 14th 15th
May AF 10th 11th 12th 13th
June AF 7th 8th 9th 10th


As I said, I started tracking everything again in June, and my period started on the 21st!!! That's two weeks of a difference from the predicted dates based on my earlier tracking. WTF??

What the heck happened in April and May that caused my AF to go 2 whole weeks off course?

Now I'm having trouble knowing how long my cycles are, according to different calculators I may be anything from 28-34 day cycles based on different months, and therefore I'm either anything between 4 days late for AF, or not due til Wednesday.

I'm so confused and don't have a clue what to do. I know I'm not THAT irregular that I swing from 28 to 34 days, I just don't know what I can do to keep track of things, especially since I want to try SMEP.

to be honest hun, I would start from scratch, frustrating as that may be. And also, buy some cheapie ovulation prediction kits off the internet, then you have an accurate way of knowing when you ovulate (if they work for you, they don't always play the game for some people). I have pcos so never had any inclination as to what my cycle would do, so used opk's and bam - baby on the way :) x

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