Can't resist symptom spotting anymore!

Just sending you a last little bit of babydust, hope the witch doesn't show!

your not out yet, hope that wicked witch stays away. xx
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy did I test?! but at least I know now! and can have a few glasses of wino sat :) xx
:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:Aww thanks maybe, I hope that extra baby dust makes the difference. Here is some back.
Thanks Nurse, I know I'm not out till the witch gets here but I think she will arrive tomorrow.
It's too hard to hold out isn't it Apple, I had 9 internet cheapies so I thought I might as well test. Don't know if it's better testing or not really.
its so hard not to test, espesh when they are there waiting. FX for you. x
I tested yesterday too hun and got a bfn still temping though even though i know im out xx
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i feel very odd today, can't explain what it is, no obvious pregnancy symptoms, just odd. I was expecting the witch to turn up today or tomorrow but my temperature is still hign today and no sign of her. Didn't get a chance to poas this morning as I was rushing out to work but do you think it would be worth testing again now or should I wait till FMU tomorrow if the witch doesn't show?
Sorry I've just been running around the house trying to find the lead that connects the camera to the computer. I've found it but I can't seem to get a pic in focus. The line is really really faint, I'm not sure if its there, I don't think it will show on a pic. I have a crap camera, any tips on how to get a good image, I really want you girls opinions.
It took nearly 10 minutes to appear does that mean it's more likely to be an evap. I'm going to do another one.

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