cant find a boys name help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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me and my oh half are really really stuck for a boys name, have been through the name book a zillion times :wall: i dont like anything, want a strong name with a difference, please any suggestions would be great.xx
We are having exactly the same problem. I've been through about four name books back to front and we just can't settle.
My brother is called Barney and we had both liked the idea of calling the baby after him but my in-laws are none to pleased which irritates me beyond belief. I wish I could ignore them but it does put a downer on things so we've tried to think of an alternative but so far....zilch!
tell me about it when i think ive found a name parents/ in laws everybody think ive just swore or something the look on there faces is terrible. i cant win. hope there is someone out there that can help with this dilema!!!!! all ive thought of is ethan!!!!!! :roll: :bored:
We're calling ours Austin if it's a boy. Others on our short list were

Alexander (Alec for short)

erm... mind's gone blank now.
on my list i had
We have Conner, reece, aiden, cole not to sure on any of them though. Its so much harder to choose boys names than girls i think! OH wants to call him Blade! :shock:
Isaac. Please have Isaac.
I love this name but cant have it coz it sounds wrong with surname.
I so want a little boy called Isaac.
I also like Edward and Freddie, but cant have them either cause of our difficult surname.
My husband wanted Connor all the way through my pregnancy but i didn't like the name (with our Irish surname it sounded a bit too 'IRA'!!) but on way to hosp while having contractions I jokingly turned around to the empty baby seat in the back and said 'hello Connor'. Hubby beamed from ear to ear and my heart melted, he thought I was being serious. Then when he was born it just fitted!!! I spent ALL of my pregnancy arguing against it but then it just seemed right! Good luck choosing. This time I like Declan or Joseph for a boy and Erin (meaning Ireland) for a girl.
PS My boy is soooo cute he looks nothing like an IRA member honestly!! :oops:
lotus said:
I also like Edward and Freddie, but cant have them either cause of our difficult surname.

My friend's just had a little Edward, they call him Ted or Teddy. Very cute :)
Thats at the top of our list, Conner! Never really thought about it but we have irish surname too. Oh well.
Eek I hope I haven't put you off..... :pray: Its a lovely name, and one which suits our wee man perfectly. Its a good strong name and contrary to my worries during pregnancy I am always proud to say his full name out loud, makes me feel quite patriotic towards Ireland (even tho my husband is the Irish one, not me! :oops: )
I say go for it! And i really really do hope I've not put you off or upset you if so I am truly very sorry. :(
I am really worried now that my comment may have been offensive. I could kick myself :wall: DOH!
bless ya i dont think you will have offended anybody, im always saying things like that, its all light hearted and a bit of fun, dont worry hun xx im starting to like declan as a name, hmm will have a think,
No don't worry you haven't put me off, Lol. I never took any offence anyway. I find most names don't go with our surname! :roll:
LucyBee said:
We are having exactly the same problem. I've been through about four name books back to front and we just can't settle.
My brother is called Barney and we had both liked the idea of calling the baby after him but my in-laws are none to pleased which irritates me beyond belief. I wish I could ignore them but it does put a downer on things so we've tried to think of an alternative but so far....zilch!

how about altering it slightly.... barnaby?

Ahh yes, I love Barnaby. That is what my brother was christened but we ended up calling him Barney.
Now my Mum says 'I'm stealing her name' (!) and my father-in-law called yesterday to specifically tell us that the 'general consensus is that Barney is not popular'.
What it's got to do with them I do not know. It makes me so angry because it takes the nice feelings away from it all.
Thanks though Izzy. We haven't given up on it yet.
i think thats rotten of them! its only you and your OH's baby at the end of the day, so its nasty of them to rain on your parade!

for this reason we kept finlays name to ourselves until he was born.

i wouldnt share any other name ideas with them in case they insult those too and put you off again! :hug:
I agree with Izzy. I don't want to tell anyone our names in case they pull a funny face, or come right our and say "the general consensus is that we don't like that name". Don't tell them anything else.

For what it's worth I think Barney is a lovely name - unusual, but not weird at all - good choice.

How about Alfie? ha ha! lol, barney is a nice name whats their problem? whose baby is this? yours so name little man what you want to name him, do you know what tho i wish id of chosen a name that the in laws hated, because then it wud p them off and the added bonus is they wud be forced to call him by his name for the rest of their lives, which wud p them off imensly, ooooooo wish id of thought of that earlier id of named him Gerald or something (no offense to anyone named or with a bubba named gerald) x
Thanks Izzy and Peanut.
I'm taking your advice and once we've chosen our name i'm not breathing a word to anyone - except you lot!

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