a dvd we watched said that initially babies focus best of black and white contrasts. We've seen the one on the right and put it on our gift list
Yeah i'd say right to because of the black and white, i know with first three children i used to have just a black and white one that you could change to coloured as they got older and they reallyenjoyed it x I also thought about playing the tune to buba the other day - i know i did it alot with my first children and they always settled well with it on. Any one else been playing specific music to babes?
Both gorgeous but swaying towards the left one
a dvd we watched said that initially babies focus best of black and white contrasts. We've seen the one on the right and put it on our gift list
i heard that 2 tiny. just noticed its in the sale in mothercare actually for £31.99 instead of £40 which make it cheaper tahn the other 1