cant cope

aww hun, i find kacy is like that when she has had a busy weekend, so she is still tried, or she is bored being in the house, is their a park near you that you could take her and play, or like someone else said goto a toddler group once a week.

I have put half of kacy toys up stairs when she is getting wingie and wouldn't stop messing aournd i transfere them round, she thinks its great cos she has other toys to play with
awwwww hun, i am at my wits end a lot of the time but it doesnt mean we dont love them any less. They are tiring , irritable, moaning, stroppy, annoying and absolutely gorgeous!!!!!

You are an absolute star to manage as well as you do. Keep going and if you want to meet up one day im not far away!!!! The monsters could play together, PM me if you need to chat.
Oh no, have I really got to go through this aswell. My LO is going through a stage like this and she is only coming up to 11 months :shock: :shock:

Motherhood has been the hardest thing Ive ever done
Eveadel said:
Oh no, have I really got to go through this aswell. My LO is going through a stage like this and she is only coming up to 11 months :shock: :shock:

Motherhood has been the hardest thing Ive ever done

ditto....and I'm sure you're doing brilliantly! Every stage seems to have it's up and down points. Have you seen Sarah's post today about her LO saying that he loves her? Aww! This early toddler stage is challenging in a different way to the baby stage but I have to say that I find the rewards are much more obvious. Mel walked the 10 min walk to his Granny's house yesterday holding my hand and with no fussing and I was so proud of him. As well as doing the most infuriating things he also does the cutest :wink:

Ah Rosebay you must of been proud. I feel really put off with having another which makes me quite sad
Eveadel said:
Ah Rosebay you must of been proud. I feel really put off with having another which makes me quite sad

:hug: The first year I found really hard (the first 6 months the hardest) but I like the toddler phase a lot better and I am starting to see what it's going to be like having a kid around. It's so exciting showing him the world- he loves ants and woodlice at the moment, he just watches them with wonder and joy and he smells flowers and smiles and you realise that as an adult you take everything for granted and the world is actually a stunningly beautiful place full of amazing things and it's like discovering the world all over again for you too. We just want to show him EVERYTHING!

I was upset during the first year that I didn't find motherhood to be what I thought it would be, I found it so hard and I didn't have any faith in what I was doing but it just takes time to get in your stride I think. I always wanted lots of kids- in the first year I was wondering if I could handle 1 let alone 2 and now I'm wavering again about having more than 2 if we can so my perspective must have changed somewhere!!

I still have to have time out sometimes when it gets too much and I still wonder what's happened to ME in a dazed kind of way but I now love our new life and wouldn't change it for anything - but it did take a lot longer than I thought to get to this point & I bet some others agree.

:hug: +++
Ah you sound like an absolutely fab mum, I love how you love showing him everything.

I hope it comes in time to me as I feel lost and that Im disapearing into nobody which then makes me guilty about not feeling grateful and elated about being a mum - if that makes sense.

Just might take me a little longer than others.
Eveadel said:
I hope it comes in time to me as I feel lost and that Im disapearing into nobody which then makes me guilty about not feeling grateful and elated about being a mum - if that makes sense.

Just might take me a little longer than others.

It does make sense because that's how I felt for a lot of the first year- certainly the first 6 months solid. I kind of felt like I'd died and regenerated like Dr Who or something but I wasn't sure who I was yet or what she would do or think etc. I think I might have been slightly post-natally depressed really but no one ever asked me about these things- well not until the health visitor came for the 10 month/year check up and by then I was feeling better than I had done. She sat bolt upright and looked quite guilty when I said I hadn't enjoyed the first 6 months but I guess because I never went to baby clinic or phoned them they don't randomly check people...?

I think it does take everyone different amounts of time to adjust to this major thing that happens to you but if you do feel really bad it might be worth talking to someone. I wonder if I had spoken to someone I could have gone on some anti-depressants and felt better sooner...? I always came up with excuses about it being due to sleep deprivation etc. Hmm...


When Isaac gets like this I put it down to boredom and chuck him in his stroller for a walk. Always seems to do the trick.

lou ;)
Matthew has days like that and it drives me round the bend by the time ben gets in I'm knackered. But when he is moany I go out with him even if its window shopping seems to occupy him for 5 mins and gets me out of the house. its hard work isnt it matthew is also doing the whole sit with me, come with me do this with me do that with me stage which is also annoying as you cant get much done
thanks for all your replies, i know its selfish but it make me feel better knowing im not the only one & im not doing something wrong.
They are little monkeys arnt they! I completly understand where your coming from Rosebay, i sit there some days thinking what the hell happened to me and my time but on the other hand i wouldnt change it for the world. it just took me a long time to adapt to the change.

I love my munchkin to bits & would do anything for her, i think its my hormones that also dont help as my patience can be so short and im also very scared of coping with 2- although im also excited about having another one. She has been much better the past week (*touches wood*) and makes me laugh although still throws her paddys at anything she's not happy with or doesnt want to do. Think she might be realizing it doesnt get her anywhere so they are not lasting as long...

Hope you are all doing ok - its nice to hear from some of you "oldies"


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