Cant cope at work


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
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I am in so much pain with back ache and pains in my ribs that after an hour of sitting down at work i can no longer cope. It has been like this for the last 2 weeks.

Basically i still have 2 weeks left at work and really dont think i can manage it. I know you have to give 28 days notice to change MAT leave but obviously i dont have 28days. What can i do.

Also i asked o/h to call midwife and tell her about my pains and she said that it sounds like pre labour pains! :shock: and to come to the labour ward!

I dont wanna go down there i feel silly they are not contractions.

What should i do?
go to docs and let him/her sign you off. Your mat leave should automatically start from that date.
if you don't want to use up any of your maternity leave just yet but can't cope get the doc to sign you off with back ache... then your maternity leave will start in 2 weeks time... although i'm not sure if your time off relates to your pregnancy then your company can make you use the time off as maternity leave - worth as try... might be able to just get it as standard sick...

bit the thing is if you go off sick with a preggo related illness in the lst 6 weeks i think it is then you have to go off maternity leave. its the law i think.
Spoke to midwife myself.

Bloody o/h told her my pains were coming and going every ten minutes. He is so silly!

Been told to see GP and sort out physico or get signed off for a week, which will help as then will only have 1 week left and i might just be able to put up with that. Well might not!
Imwarr, don't know the intensity of your aches and pains but I have the same thing, my back won't last longer than an hour or so sitting at my desk before I can bear it no more :? , and the digging in the ribs I've got that to, however that tends to come and go I think it has more to do with how baba is positioned. Usually at the end of the day I go home and have a warm bath and fill up my hot water bottle - which probably isn't ideal in this warm weather but it does ease the pain. Fortunately for me tomorrow is my last day at work, but like you I to at times have felt like calling my GP, in saying that I did see a physio earlier on, she suggested some stretches for me but I think this all comes with the territory. I can only but suggest that if you haven't already done so maybe you should try cut down your hours at work, I've been able to work at home 1 or 2 days a week and I've found that it does help.
Either way good luck and don't dispear, just do what you think is the right thing for you :hug:
the weather isn't helping any of us either :(
budge said:
bit the thing is if you go off sick with a preggo related illness in the lst 6 weeks i think it is then you have to go off maternity leave. its the law i think.

not necessarily... ive bn off 4 the past 4 weeks with pregnancy related illnesses n im still no on maternity till 31st july, sum companies r ok with u bein on the sick sum arent tho
I think you can go off sick for 7 days without a sick note.couldnt you do that ,then see how you feel. if you still think you'll feel bad then get signed off for the 2nd week.

u can get a self certificate, u get 1 of those 4 after uve bn off 3days i think it is
Yvanne said:
budge said:
bit the thing is if you go off sick with a preggo related illness in the lst 6 weeks i think it is then you have to go off maternity leave. its the law i think.

not necessarily... ive bn off 4 the past 4 weeks with pregnancy related illnesses n im still no on maternity till 31st july, sum companies r ok with u bein on the sick sum arent tho

oh i see. thanks yvanne.
Just go to the docs and get signed off. I did that because I was anemic and although at first I felt a bit sneaky there was no way I could have continued. Since Ive been off my bp has been better and I get word that my iron is back to normal.

I thought that they would start my mat leave early but after a post from tankett I rechecked with my work and they cannot start it automatically until 4 weeks before the due date on your mat b1.

Go on, join us.....
budge said:
Yvanne said:
budge said:
bit the thing is if you go off sick with a preggo related illness in the lst 6 weeks i think it is then you have to go off maternity leave. its the law i think.

not necessarily... ive bn off 4 the past 4 weeks with pregnancy related illnesses n im still no on maternity till 31st july, sum companies r ok with u bein on the sick sum arent tho

oh i see. thanks yvanne.

think it just depends on ur employer really, mine r usually total w****** 2!!!
Hiya hun

I have just been signed off by my doctor, but my prob is a non pregnancy problem which is why my employer is not starting my maternity leave, but they did say if it had of been a pregnancy related prob then they would have started my mat leave. Do u get on with ur doctor? could he/she sign u off with a non pregnacy prob?

Hope everything works out for u hun :hug:
its not the law, if you get signed off from work by a doctor 6 weeks or less before your mat leave your work have the right to start your mat leave early :)
I thought it was 10 weeks but thank god I was wrong.

dwp website
If you are off sick from work with a pregnancy-related illness at the start of or in the 4 weeks before your baby is due, SMP will start from the day following the first day you are off sick from work for that reason.
I spoke to my HR Manager, and I work for a Global Company, and she said the law is that they cannot force you to take Maternity leave any earlier than week 36 of your pregnancy. Lauramum has also quoted that from the DWP website. Imwarr, if you get any problems, go to the website, print it off and take it to work.

Your rib problem sounds similar to what I have. It is cause by weakening of the ligaments due to release of hormones. It's basically the body getting ready to deliver the baby. But unfortunately, it can affect women in the pelvic are (SPD) and back (Rib Flair). I would get to the mw or doctor asap and see if they can refer you for physio hun.

Good luck.

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