Since about 5pm this aftenoon I have been getting stronger contractions; at about 7.30pm they became unbearable so I rang the hospital, and me and OH went to the labour ward. I'd prayed that I'd reached the 1st stage of labour. After monitoring me, the midwife did an internal an I'm 1.5-2cms dilated. I am guttted.
Im exhausted from lack of sleep a this has been goin on since monday, and have no idea how I am going to cope when i eventually go into labour, i cant cope with the contractions now, and i still have a long long way to go.
Just made up the futon in the spare bedroom so as not to disturb OH tonight, I just know I am not going to be able to slep through the pain.
Cant believe how much further I have to go.....I had clearly placed far to much faith in my ability to get through labour. I am sobbing in pain with each contraction, and I'm not even in established labour yet.
I want to curl up in a ball and die.
Im exhausted from lack of sleep a this has been goin on since monday, and have no idea how I am going to cope when i eventually go into labour, i cant cope with the contractions now, and i still have a long long way to go.
Just made up the futon in the spare bedroom so as not to disturb OH tonight, I just know I am not going to be able to slep through the pain.
Cant believe how much further I have to go.....I had clearly placed far to much faith in my ability to get through labour. I am sobbing in pain with each contraction, and I'm not even in established labour yet.
I want to curl up in a ball and die.