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So utterly miserable- cant cope anymore....*UPDATE- Page 2*


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Since about 5pm this aftenoon I have been getting stronger contractions; at about 7.30pm they became unbearable so I rang the hospital, and me and OH went to the labour ward. I'd prayed that I'd reached the 1st stage of labour. After monitoring me, the midwife did an internal an I'm 1.5-2cms dilated. I am guttted.

Im exhausted from lack of sleep a this has been goin on since monday, and have no idea how I am going to cope when i eventually go into labour, i cant cope with the contractions now, and i still have a long long way to go.

Just made up the futon in the spare bedroom so as not to disturb OH tonight, I just know I am not going to be able to slep through the pain.

Cant believe how much further I have to go.....I had clearly placed far to much faith in my ability to get through labour. I am sobbing in pain with each contraction, and I'm not even in established labour yet.

I want to curl up in a ball and die.
honey this is so ridiculous for you now.... who else can you call?, can you try a different hospital...have you tried being mardy, you should be allowed some sort of pain relief??? :hug: :hug: :hug:
Maybe ring hosp back and threaten to call ambulance if they don't take you in and take you seriously? Have u had paracetamol? :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww sweetie :hug:

i agree with anna, if you are in that much pain you should be given pain relief. please try and call someone else, even nhs24? really sorry you're feeling so bad hun :hug:
you poor thing, I'm not surprised you feel so bad when you've been in pain for so long. I really don't know what to suggest. I remember from my own labour that the midwives won't give you anything pain relief wise until you get to a certain point of dilatation.
You're certainly having a hard time of it. I wish I had some advice for you but I really don't know what could help. If you are still like this tomorrow I'd be tempted to get hold of a tens machine and give that a try.
I hope this latent phase ends soon, it sounds like hell :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've taken 8 paracetamol a day since monday. They offered me use of the ealry labour room in the hosp, but i was so utterly miserable at that point i just wanted out of there. Have a midwife app 2mor at 9.15 (if i last that long), and will speak to them- something must be wrong, it hurts so much. :(

just had OH blow up an exercise ball, been bouncing on it- seems to help; forgot i had it.
oh you poor love
big huge huggies from me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
im so sorry its dragging on so long for you

My Sister Tina went through the same thing giving birth to my Niece
3 days of contractions going no where fast

labour dust on its way to you

sarah :hug:
Try bouncing on the exercise ball. Apparantly the pressure of the baby on the cervix can help it to dilate more quickly.
I would consider phoning the hospital back and asking if you are admitted into the early labour room would they be able to give you some pain relief such as pethidine/diamorphone/meptid, a drug like that might allow you to get some rest for a few hours
Can't your midwife get you a tens machine or something? I really feel for you, paracetomol just won't cut it, you need something a little stronger so you can get some rest.
Hope things get moving properly soon.

Just wanted to let you know when i was in labour the midwife told me to move my hips in a circular motion on the birthing ball as it's meant to help you dilate :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't have any advice but wanted to offer you some :hug: :hug: :hug:
and to tell you that you're doing so well and it won't be long before you have your LO in your arms xxxxxxxxx
im sorry you feel so bad :( :hug:

Its awful how much pain your in. I agree with the other girls about getting hold of a tens machine if possible. The MW's cant let this go on :hug:
Awww :hug: I'm sure there's nothing wrong - Like I said, I had a long latent phase and the contractions were sooooo painful..I know how you feel, when I got to hospital and found I was only 1-2cms (The same as the day before when I had a sweep) after having all those painful contractions..I was totally heartbroken and drained.
You're doing so well :hug: :hug:
I can't believe that they have left you like this for so long :shock:

Really hope that you can get something sorted asap :hug:
how are you tody hunnie-?hope something started happening in the night or you feel a bit better.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
ah feel sorry for ya, contactions are really sore, but ya know it will be worth it in the end, keep ur chin up...
hopefully she's in hospital now, drugged up and almost fully dilated :pray: :pray:
Hope things have progressed for you shadow.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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