Can't believe it!! :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Hi everyone
Some of you might remember me from a couple of months ago, I joined the forum in Nov last year, after coming off the pill and having every single pregnancy symptom, but I kept getting BFN's, not even a faint line, I got a sample sent away by doctors because I was just so convinced and that was BFN too.

As time went on we decided to NTNP and I put babies ect out of my mind, I told myself I would never again go through the dissapointment of convincing myself I was pregnant without it being confirmed first. My mind lately has been on the course i'm doing through my work, losing weight and looking forward to my holidays. But for the last 2 weeks i've been very very sick, i've had to take it off work, been physically sick every day for 14 days, and sickness lasts for 6/7 hours so im extremely dehydrated.

So i went to the pharmacy yesterday to ask for anti-sickness tabs, she said she wouldn't give me anything untill i could prove i wasn't pregnant, i already had my docs appointment booked for today, so I thought, im not getting messed about any more, i'm buying tests and proving to the doctor that im not pregnant so i can get the best tabs to take this away (wasn't going through the same as last time). So I got a 3 pack of cheapies and took one and omg it was BFP - its urine i saved from this morning, but not FMU - its the lightest line you can see. I took the other 2 with fresh urine, and they both came up BFP, and they are stronger lines. They were taken at 5pm

So there i was, thinking i was going to doctors to complain about sickness and end up asking him to confirm pregnancy. I took the tests along and he said they look like im defo pregnant, he asked if i'd like him to confirm i was like..of course loool - so i've to hand in a sample tomorrow and god knows when i'll find out the results.

Dont know what to make of it, i've defo got BFP's but its not officially confirmed so I wont be announcing it untill i hear back from doctors. In the mean time i'm gona try and get some more tests.

What do you ladies think...its a bit off putting coz they are cheapies..
Sorry for the pic quality I had to crop the picture right down before it would let me attach, i'll see if I can take some better ones later on


  • 2011-03-03 17.43.09.jpg
    2011-03-03 17.43.09.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 27
What lovely BFPs!!!! Huge congratulations :yay: xx
OMG thanks everyone

I cant believe it though, dont feel like i should get the congrats til i know for definate - maybe i'm just being funny coz of last time.
Congratulations! Thats defo BFP's!! x
woah! they are stong lines!! looks like a congrats is in order!! woohoo :stork: xx :love:
They are definately positive. Congrats.
:yay::yay::yay::yay: Congratulations, how exciting! xxx

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