Can you have a mc before a bfp or period?


Aug 27, 2010
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hi girls - here's the score and am looking for any advice or similar stories to rest my mind!!

I have a long cycle so ov around day 19/20 (used clearblue kit)
by day 24 i started spotting and thought yeah, implantation! but it has continued and has increasingly got heavier to the point today at day 31 its almost at af level but not quite.
so af is due day 34, 3 days to wait to tect for bfp.
im worried that potentially we had the beginnings of a sticky but then i have lost it before i might even get a bfn!!
to make things even more confusing and worrying, i had a mc in july and i followed a similar pattern, only i only had mild spotting and i made it to 5 weeks before i lost it.

any advice? If it is an mc again, i want to know so i can pester my gp for blood tests
if it isnt a bfp - what the hell was the really early period about!!!!
Hiya hunni I had a chemical pregnancy back in September
An I didn't test positive till 4wks & 2days this was only because I knew myself
I was pregnant but was Gettin bfn so when I got te bleeding I tested n bam positive within seconds
I hope this isn't the case for you :( this is why they tell people to not test till a week after missed period
To avoid mcs n cps xxx sorry I couldn't be of much more help to you x
it is possible that there is a problem with implantation at this stage, so it is possible, try not to worry and if the bleeding continues go to see your gp! :hug: i really hope it is a bfp and it is sticky, because bleeding in early preg doesnt always mean mc! good luck and let us know how it is going
I haven't got any advice Hun but didn't want to read & run but hope you get the advice you need
FX to a your BFP
I'm going to go ahead and say no :)

You can't have a mc before a BFP.

If you are pregnant, it shows up on a hpt and if you are not then it doesn't.

There is no point in thinking about the what if's because you'll drive yourself crazy :shock:

Things are going to turn out one way or the other and there is nothing you can do to influence it.

I'm sorry about your previous mc, how your pregnancy revealed it last time is the best indication of what is going on with you now.

I would also really go and speak to your GP about your periods because 7 days of bleeding without sign of it stopping would really freak me out.

You must be going out of your mind :hug:
Oh i get it now! :lol: well i had a chemical and tested positive after the bleeding? thats how i knew something was wrong. So i guess like mummy24! Good luck xxx
Thanks everyone for your words of wisdon and help
have an appointment for next week with the GP so either way I hope ill get some answers or at least the promise of blood tests just incase I have that blood clotting thing - i've read aspirin can help.
But with regards the 7 days of bleeding - im well used to it as i normally have a 7 day af, the oul witch!! but day 8 now! no pain or discomfort so not overlly worried, just confused!
thanks again and ill post again next week.
hey girls just to let you know hte update
i tested negative but went to the docs anyway. he wasnt the best gp in the world!!! felt stupid mentioning the possibility of early miss before testing time and could i have the blood clotting thing that means you have very early misses - he just said it could be hormones or something and if i had irregular periods for a few more months to come back and maybe theyd do an examination to check the cervix blaa blaa blaaa. so anyway, he asked how was i coping since the miss in july and by that time i had worked myself up soooo much, i burst into tears!!!! what a wally!!! the hormones were definitely all over the place!
so, i was away for a holiday there last week and we've deciced to stop counting days and looking for ov signs and to just go back to alot of bking!!!:)
merry xmas girls, and thanks for your words of advice
The relaxed approach maybe work for you hun, hope it does! Merry xmas have a good one xxx

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