Can someone please help me


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May 24, 2005
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I dont know what is going on.. My last normal af was April 14 then week of 25-30 had cm ( ovulated) then on may 2 I start a light semi flow.. very spotty , lasted 4 days.. I was supposed to start on 5/13 ( as my cycle is 30 days , has been for yrs) well I didnt start on the 13th.. so I took a test on the 15th.. which was neg.. a few days after that.. I started getting all these blue veins running thru my chest, down my bbs, sides of tummy, even in my legs ( no not vericose veins.. I know what those look like) nipple are slightly tender.. get cramps on sides of stomach ( as if I had ran for miles) if I cough, I feel a strange pulling sensation in my lower abdomen, i get slightly nausiated , not enough to make me run to the bathroom, I do have to go potty more, my bowel movements have been weird., I am tired all the time. Am very moody as well as emotional, I wake up with a stuffy nose,, if I am not blwing from stuffy nose, I am sneezing,. I burp all the time, even on water , I aslo have gas. Anyway.. did I do the test too soon? was that early af on the 2nd the one I should count? Should I wait to see if af comes on the 2nd of june?someone please help me.. I dont know what to do :cry:
I have never tried to conceive but I think come June 2nd if you don't get any bleeding, take a test again. And maybe see a doc. blood test might be more accurate.
however i think all those symptoms lead to one conclusion. All the very best for the 2nd June, i'm sure that seems a lifetime away rightnow. Hope you get the result you are looking for. I am 19 weeks pregnant and i have replied to you as all of those symptoms apply to me! and have done since week6!

All the best, maybe let me know the outcome?x
u mean it sounds like pregnancy? so it was possible there wasnt enough hcg in my system after that early Bleeding episode.. ok I will go ahead and wait til June 2.. thank u all
you are welcome and yes those symptoms do sound like preggo symptoms, i just didn't want to get your hope up too high.
I know how your feeling...I have very similar syptoms just a bit worse in some areas. I've come up negative cosntantly but I still have the symptoms...So tomorrow I'm going to the dr to see. Right now if I'm not I should get my af this week but I'm not having any of my af symptoms just the ones I've had for about a little over a month now. Good luck to you!! Always remember every woman is different!

Good luck!!

well I took a test this morn.. ( It was driving me nuts) as it has been 13 days since I should have started.. so maybe that early bleeding episode was just that.. an early period.. ( although I have NEVER had that) anyway.. nothing has changed as far as signs or what ever they are.. I still have all the veins.. they seem to be growing.. cramps, tired etc.. all the same.. so I think I will just give it up.. thanks girls for being there.. I really appreciate it. I had my crying spell.. I will be just fine.. Guess god just doesnt have it in his plan for me :cry: anyway I just wanted to say thanks
I know exactly how your feeling...I still have my symptoms but the urine test at the doctors came up negative that will be my third negative...So we'll see...


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