I dont know what is going on.. My last normal af was April 14 then week of 25-30 had cm ( ovulated) then on may 2 I start a light semi flow.. very spotty , lasted 4 days.. I was supposed to start on 5/13 ( as my cycle is 30 days , has been for yrs) well I didnt start on the 13th.. so I took a test on the 15th.. which was neg.. a few days after that.. I started getting all these blue veins running thru my chest, down my bbs, sides of tummy, even in my legs ( no not vericose veins.. I know what those look like) nipple are slightly tender.. get cramps on sides of stomach ( as if I had ran for miles) if I cough, I feel a strange pulling sensation in my lower abdomen, i get slightly nausiated , not enough to make me run to the bathroom, I do have to go potty more, my bowel movements have been weird., I am tired all the time. Am very moody as well as emotional, I wake up with a stuffy nose,, if I am not blwing from stuffy nose, I am sneezing,. I burp all the time, even on water , I aslo have gas. Anyway.. did I do the test too soon? was that early af on the 2nd the one I should count? Should I wait to see if af comes on the 2nd of june?someone please help me.. I dont know what to do