Can I get your Opinions? xx


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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Still early for us, but can't help discussing baby names if we're lying awake or in the car lol

THe only one's we both like so far are


Craig James Stables
Matthew James Stables
Matthew Craig Stables
Noah James Stables


Connie ??? Stables (This is our number one favourite!)
Shirley ??? Stables
Lily ???? Stables
Abigail ??? Stables

WHat do you all think? Any ideas for middle name that will go with our surnames? xx
My favs are noah james, connie and abigail. X
I think all your boys names are decent but not so sure about your girls names :)

Connie is by far my favourite for the girls though, i don't think much at all to the others...
Thanks girls :)

Craig and Connie are def our top choices for the moment :) But i'm guessing in 6 or 7 months we'll have completely diffrent names lol x
mine is abigail u dont hear that often now i use abbie for short but my mum still calls me abigail when she not happy with me lol
I like Noah out of your boys names, the others are 2 traditional for me, and Connie and Lily are both really nice girls names. x
I like Craig and Connie out of all your names, but they are all nice , you don't get many craigs nowadays so it's nice and unusual to make a comeback. Connie was a fav of mine, also Bonnie. My sisters surname is Staples so near to yours and her daughter is called Sophie Hannah Staples if that helps
I love Matthew James! But, with you being in Scotland, Craig seems
A better choice to me! Its weird, if I had a boy down here, I'd chose different names to if I were in scotland!
My surnames Staples and My sisters called Lily Joy Staples :) I love Noah and Lily x

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