Can anyone relate?


Active Member
May 15, 2014
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Hello, i was wondering if anyone could relate to my problem, i had a miscarriage 8weeks ago friday, my second miscarriage, anyway i know its different for every woman and its different for every M/C but i haven't had a period yet and its been nearly 8 weeks, after my first M/C i got my period around 4 weeks after but this time it seems to be taking forever, i have had intercourse in this time and no protection, i had a spot of blood around 2weeks ago and i thought that was my period coming but it obviously wasn't and it was just the one time i wiped i had some blood, i have taken a pregnancy test about a week and half ago but was negative i haven't had any pregnancy signs not that i did when i found out i was pregnant before but i don't think i am, has anyone else had this problem and how long did it take them to have a period after they had a M/C.. thank you for your time
Hi jellybean, I was in a similar position after my second mc, I didn't get a period for 9 weeks! I never did get a reason as to why this happened - but I guess everyone is different. Maybe go docs and get it checked out just in case? I just waited it out, but I probably wouldn't advise this as I was just in shock over the m/c.
Maybe you should see your GP ... although they told me if I haven't had my period in 10 weeks to come. but different places at different surgeries. xx
I was told after my first it could take up to 6 months! I didn't wait that long but I did end up having to have a bleed induced after both my mcs as my cycle didn't return and we were waiting for tests that needed to be done on certain cycle days the first time and the second we were waiting to start treatment.

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