Can anyone recommend......

Ha just realised I missed out a comma and it looks like I've put 'before people puréed babies' obviously I didn't mean that! I meant 'before people puréed, babies were given' lmao!
Ha just realised I missed out a comma and it looks like I've put 'before people puréed babies' obviously I didn't mean that! I meant 'before people puréed, babies were given' lmao!


I agree with the older generation thing actually, my nana particularly hates the idea of us co-sleeping yet she herself co-slept as a child with her mother, it's lunacy. She says co-sleeping when she was small has caused her to have a wheezy chest - so not the 50 years of smoking then :roll:.

Also no one was particularly impressed with me planning to BLW, had loads of comments about how new and daft the idea was (which of course it's not either new or daft!) and how she should have puree earlier etc, but I stuck to my guns and she's doing brilliantly with it, and aside from the mess part of it, MIL and my Dad and Nana are all coming round to the idea.
It's madness some of the stuff they come out with isn't it?! Lol xxx keeps me giggling though!!! I love the mess part-it's so funny! Sebastian actually was scooping up handfuls of mash tonight after getting bored of using his fork, and when he'd got all he could he then proceeded to lick the plate clean! He was absolutely covered! Forget hair gel-mash is the way forward ;)
Lol at the pureed babies ;)

Tbh I just ignore her but she just winds me up sometimes! She's obsessed with how often LO feeds generally and in her day bf babies were MADE to go 4 hour between feeds! Well good luck with that one then ha!! There's no way LO would wait if she's hungry!

I'm just going to go with what I want to do and if she won't follow that she won't be able to have LO on her own until she can learn to behave lol ;) that's mil not lo :-D xx

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
It's madness some of the stuff they come out with isn't it?! Lol xxx keeps me giggling though!!! I love the mess part-it's so funny! Sebastian actually was scooping up handfuls of mash tonight after getting bored of using his fork, and when he'd got all he could he then proceeded to lick the plate clean! He was absolutely covered! Forget hair gel-mash is the way forward ;)

Aw bless him! I can't wait to see LO get stuck into it all! I bet she's gonna be a right messy lady ;) bring it on I say! Meal times should be fun! Oh does her bath anyway so the messier the better :) xx

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
Know what you mean, already had a few raised eyebrows when I've mentioned blw and waiting until 6 months, including my own mum who's worried about choking and really doesn't 'get it' when I've explained and said surely they need pureed food as well otherwise he will be hungry! Luckily my hubby is really on board and dead enthusiastic about it, I normally get a bit of moaning when I suggest anything new or different!
Ive been wondering about getting a book on BLW as we plan to do that too, it sounds great and makes sense to me, think I'll give that book a go too!

Its fab friend lent me it in the end otherwise I would have lent you it but highly recommend buying it.............think Ill buy a copy to refer back to :)

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