Combination feeding....

I plan on doing the same princess. Xx

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I'm feeding puree for breakfast for example this morning baby rice mixed with mango (makes them poop a lot it turns out). Then I give him either snacks or dinner as finger food, I will give him puree on top depending on how much actually ends up in his mouth he'll literally shout at me if he wants more.
I only pureed food until about 6 months (she had mushed banana and fruit and soup before that as it helped her colic and sickness) but after 6 months I would pretty much soley give her normal foods that she would feed herself. It was only if I was in a rush and not eating myself etc and it would be a ready meal but even then she'd just dip her hands in and use her hands to feed herself lol.

I think its perfectly doable to do a mixture of both. Usually if you do a mixture of both its because you start on TW and move purely onto BLW rather than mix the two. I would still consider it TW if you were just giving finger foods inbetween pureed feeds. If that makes sense :/
I purée Sophie's main meals and she has them off a spoon but I let her have the spoon and she attempts to dip it in and feed herself (more ends up in her hair though!!) I've given her some finger foods as well and she's got the idea but I think the fruit was just a bit slippy to hold.

It's driving me mad doing all these purees all the time but I know at least she's eating healthily because if she was eating with us it would be the same old because of OHs problem with change and being a fussy eater.

My main principle whilst weaning her is that as long as she's tried something then I'm not bothered how much or how little she eats of it. OH seems to think she has to finish the entire bowl before she can have anything like a fromage frais for afters but I think thats the wrong attitude to have as he was brought up being made to clear his plate before he could either have dessert or leave the table and it results in him stuffing himself when there is no need. I'm just going off if she gives it a try or atleast a good go then I'm happy with that :)

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