can anyone help.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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every so often I have been getting hardening or tightenings down one side ofmy belly, rather like i have a big bum sticking out and it goes very hard for about 30-60 seconds then drops down gradually. These have been going on for about a week. I also have this other worry. I have been getting every so often perhaps twice to three times a day a cramp which feel much like I am going to have diareaha (tmi) but not nessacesrally with the explosion but more the sensation which lasts for about a minute and a half. This comes about twice / 3 times a day.

On saturday I also felt this sudden drop like a pop but a drop down to my cervix area which didnt hurt but it felt like i dropped a bowling ball on to my bits lol!

Any ideas ladies as I have a feeling its all normal but at the same time I seem to be getting more regular pains and tightenings. Are these signs of a pre term? xxx
Well I'm not really sure hon but the tightenings sound to me a lot like braxton hicks, from what i've read they feel like a tightening sensation that comes and goes and they're common once you get in your 3rd tri. Perhaps the drop you felt was baby's head engaging? If you're worried though hon I would give your midwife a quick call just to put your mind at rest x x
Sounds like Braxton hicks to me. When i get them the baby is kind of forced to stick out funny like you said, it probably is your baby's bum or head!
Thanks girls, I have just called the MW at ANDU and she has said so long as you dont have them every 10 minutes your fine. So I guess I just worry to much.

Not to mention sitting hear at work and a delivery man has just walked in and said "oh yer I've had 3", "peice of cake, absolute doddle". Sorry I forgot men go through child birth and no exactly what it feels like silly me!
Thanks girls, I have just called the MW at ANDU and she has said so long as you dont have them every 10 minutes your fine. So I guess I just worry to much.

Not to mention sitting hear at work and a delivery man has just walked in and said "oh yer I've had 3", "peice of cake, absolute doddle". Sorry I forgot men go through child birth and no exactly what it feels like silly me!

arrrghh that would make me so mad!! Bit like the other day, my friend at work (who is also pregnant) fiance came in the office and said "There's no way childbirth would hurt more than being kicked in the nuts!" To which I said "Hmm so the pain of being kicked in the nuts can last up to 48 hours can it?!" Maybe I should have kicked him the nuts and then said lets do an experiment shall we? Hee hee :lol: :whistle: x x
[arrrghh that would make me so mad!! Bit like the other day, my friend at work (who is also pregnant) fiance came in the office and said "There's no way childbirth would hurt more than being kicked in the nuts!" To which I said "Hmm so the pain of being kicked in the nuts can last up to 48 hours can it?!" Maybe I should have kicked him the nuts and then said lets do an experiment shall we? Hee hee :lol: :whistle: x x[/QUOTE]

haha you so should have done that, stupid men know nothing of pain!!!

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