Can anyone answer my question google can't


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Do midwife led birthing centers offer pethadine injections? Google is being ery uncoprative???? xx
As far as I know they do, just not epidurals x
I was told by my midwife that my local one do but only if ur at about 9cm and really struggling xx
Thats silly to offer pethadine at 9cm :/ What if you jump to 10cm really quickly and youre so out of it you cant push. I couldnt even hold myself up (fob had to catch me inbetween the contractions lol) let alone get myself ready to push!

But yeah, in answer to your question I think they do :)
They used to offer pethidine at birth centres, as pethidine used to be available on the patient group directive - which meant that midwives could give pethidine without the need for it to be signed off by a doctor. Unfortunately in the last few months that has changed and we can't give it without a doctors signature anymore. Which means that they will not be able to give it in birth centres as they are midwife lead units xx
Thank you may have changed my mind about where im having baby now LOL xx
Pethidine can take up to 20 minutes to work and to be fair doesnt really make you feel out of it. Think its strange they would offer it that late really.xx
Doesn't make you feel out of it? I was barely concious inbetween contractions lol. Does naff all for the pain either, just makes you dizzy between.
I didnt think it was all that effective to be honest, only took edge off mine with jake, saying that they only gave me it after putting me on oxytocin drip so think it kinda cancelled it out x
Agh this is so confusing y cant there just be one option xx
I was given it at 9cm when I was having DD I didn't even ask for it. They broke my waters and told me they were gonna give it to me as the pain was gonna come. I had been doing really well till then. It left me completely out of it. Remember holding DD after having her and I kept freaking out cause I kept nodding off. This time I'm gonna see how far I get but if I need meds I'll be going for epidural as then I'm fully aware of everything xxx

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