I had Hypermemesis Gracidum (sp?) and lost a stone in the first trimester I was chucking up that much! It's awful. All I ate was toast with marmite (for the folic acid) and hope some of it stayed down. I could drink tea stilll (good for the sugar). But they always reasured me in hospital that the baby would be fine, the sickness can just get worse because they are just taking everything they need from you.

If you aren't keeping fluids down or are losing alot of weight I would consult your GP r midwife hun to be checked over. I'm sure you'll be fine though. Even with me losing a stone I still didn't have to stay in as i managed to keep water down for the most part.

Sorry, I know how pants it can be :hug:
sickness is a sign of a healthy baby ive been told,

altho not fun for us :(

i found eating small and often and havign sips of water to stop the stomach acid rising helped, also nibbling on ginger biscuits...
Ive never actually been sick, but I feel sick most of the time, especially at night (which is not good when Im working on nights, like right this minute grrrr). The way I describe it to people is travel sickness as that is exactly what it feels like to me! I find a small glass of milk and a Ginger nut eaten very slowly help a litte, but I also find that Walls (I think they make them) sparkle lemonde ice lollies work a treat and take the sickness away for about an hour. £3 for 2 boxes of 10 in Asda so not expensive when I go through about 5 a day lol

hope it gets better for you huni!
Yeah i always felt sick with jaycee, peppermint helped it go away for a while. I was always armed with tic tacs at work!
Also eating 6+ small meals thru the day not just 3 big ones will help too.
I can stomach nothing but yoghurt at the mo lol!
I have jacket potato and cheese for dinner so i can take my pregnacare!
other than that i just pick at little things all day.
Ice pops are tops!!! I craved them with Jaycee.. with her, i could eat everything but pastries :puke: and meat! I felt sicky every now and then but not this bad!! Im convinced its a boy this time so maybe that affects it? It gotta be tru men always make us suffer the worst :evil: :rotfl:
I wake up to be sick...I was sick 5 times last night...I never know what to do food wise as it seems to make no difference I am sick usually at least twice a night. :puke:
Cloud 9, I feel for you, I'd wake up in the night and be sick too and it would be bitter bile from my stomache :puke: I started drinking lemonade to take the bitter taste away when I threw up. It doesn't stop you being sick but it does make it more bearable. On a good note since the sickness wore off I have had a really easy pregnancy (apart from having OC but that's a whole other story and very unusual!) lots of energy and no aches or pains, so perhaps for some of us we suffer at the beginning and get an easier ride at the end :wink:
ive been that sick lately and nothing will stop it if i get too hungry i throw up if i eat i throw up ive tried all the usual stuff like ginger biscuits ginger ale crystalised ginger am going to see herbalist in town next week apparently she will give me some stuff to make tea with which is totally safe in pregnancy anything is worth a try now :( im even waking up through the night to be sick xxxxxxx
You poor things.

I had 24hr nausea with Isaac until just over 12 weeks, it started at about 6 weeks. I just ate little and often and ginger biscuits were my saviour.

Thankfully I wasn't actually sick but the nausea can be just as bad if not worse at times.

It will pass soon for you.
I've found I look at milk and gip.

So far Peppermint tea and plain biccys are helping. Went for a meal last night and just looking and smelling it made me throw up. Back to peppermint teas and plain biccys and fruit today is helping.

Might have plain toast for tea. (owt else on it and I'll gip)

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