
Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
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I feel like screaming,i never had one whiff of m/s last time and now well it is hell,I have been sick a couple of times but its the nausea,does it mean the baby is doing well?

Any ideas on remedies?

Sorry to moan
i had it with this preganncy for 14 weeks and its vile. Theres nothing i tried that worked. I just ate when i wanted and what i wanted. Thats all you can do.

it will pass.
i had it bad on charlie untill i was 16 weeks, nothing makes it better, well it didnt for me anyway.

didnt have any of ethan, and only a tiny bit on Coby

its horrible, hope it passes for you soon

You have three girls dont you? And a boy now?

Maybe I am having a boy then? Only a male can make you feel this bad,lol. my DD said its because boys are made form slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails,love her

i do have three girls but i do not know what this one is. I didn't have sickness with the girls so maybe it is a boy. Time will tell i supppose.
well just chucked again (tmi) and am going to rush now again,fooking had enough of this,can I take alka seltzer?
no i wouldn't take anything.
Have some toast or a rich tea biscuit or something.

try lemondae or soda water too. that helped me a little. :hug: :hug:
well just brushed my teeth,blown my nose and wiped my eyes,that was not good,but if it means healthy baba then I dont mind. Throat well sore now...thanks Budge and layla

I think it just means your hormone levels are all over the place ...
hope you feel better soon. :hug:
bexxie said:

I feel like screaming,i never had one whiff of m/s last time and now well it is hell,I have been sick a couple of times but its the nausea,does it mean the baby is doing well?

Any ideas on remedies?

Sorry to moan

You aint moaning hun, it is horrible!!! It is a good sign that baby is well......I have been told over and over by my Doc & Consultant :D

To help the nausea.....try eating regularly, instead of 3 meals a day, have 5 or 6 smaller meals a day and top up on protein filled foods......this is meant to help, don't run on empty!!!

Also anything with ginger in it can sometimes help, Low calorie ginger ale and ginger nuts have been my friends :wink:

Hope you are feeling better soon babe.......but it is all a good sign :dance: Just keep thinking of that.... :hug: xx
:hug: awww hun its not nice i had it on luke and jamie worse on luke the only thing that worked on luke was crystalised ginger plus eating little and often had it so bad i lost a stone in first trimester
on jamie ginger biscuits would help
ive been lucky so far on this one have had nausea but not really very sick hope it passes soon for you hun xxxxxxx
sorry you feeling horrible bexxie when i had it bad for those few days i couldn't stomach anything but malted milk biscuits, i guess you have to find that one thing that helps, good luck :hug:
Well think i may have cracked it,i had apples,grapes and raw carrots out of those little bags they do in Asda and feel good today so we will see....Hopefully but then it has mainly been starting after 4pm for me so fingers crossed...

I had all day sickness until week 19! I found drinking constantly throughout the day helped ( water mainly but full fat coke worked on some days!) and I ate a lot of fruit... grapes and nectarines... I was sick about 5 - 6 times a day and felt awful. but it did pass... just eat whatever you fancy.

Weetabix tastes the same going up and coming down! *sorry*!!!!! :oops: :shock:
I also had terrible sickness and found fruit was the worst thing for me to eat but its different for everyone. Just eat what you fancy, there isn't really anything else you can do. If you find water makes ýou sick try ice pops this worked for me :wink:
Lyndsey said:
Weetabix tastes the same going up and coming down! *sorry*!!!!! :oops: :shock:

:rotfl: They are the foods I eat and look for.......
so sorry to hear you are feeling like this. I havent actually been sick but felt it a lot esp at teh beginnig. i only really felt well when i was eating! try to eat good things like wholegrain crackers, apparently very sugary things dont always help. eat little and often and never get empty. Maybe im no help as im only refering to the stuff that stopped me feeling sick, not being sick. sure it will pass after week 12.
When I was expecting Noah I was sick from about week 11 till week 16. If I didnt eat enough I was sick and if I ate to much I was sick!

What I found worked for me in the end (even though the stuff is horrible) was crystalised ginger. I would keep a little tupperware pot of it with me at all times. Even if I was out shopping in the city, and started getting that excess saliva thing like Im gonna puke everywhere, I just knawed n a little ginger and within seconds the sickness past. Bloody potent stuff though! ewww
Been sick 4 times already today only think keeping me sane is that babe shoudl be okay if getting it bad.......just had to make a chicken casserole and I was urging over the sink as trying to chope veg.......gross...

Cant wait til this passes.


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