can anybody help me?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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When i had my children i used to buy the cotton wool rolls but not the huge ones, you could get smaller ones which i used to keep in my changing bag but i have tried everywhere to get them now and not one shop i have looked in does them, they now have these stupid round make-up type pads that are as much use as tits on a fish, i want cotton wool roll in a smaller size :evil:
I havent seen them anywhere hun sorry!
Boots have them in 2 different sizes, handy size, perfect for changing bags and large ones for at home. Hope you can get them in the Boots near you xx
Mummy2B2009 said:
Boots have them in 2 different sizes, handy size, perfect for changing bags and large ones for at home. Hope you can get them in the Boots near you xx
i tried 2 different Boots and neither had them, guess i will just have to keep looking and then buy a years supply :wall:
hennaly said:
they now have these stupid round make-up type pads that are as much use as tits on a fish

:lol: :lol: :lol: I use those on Ellie and think they are great :lol: Although tits on a fish cud look quite sexy... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Could you buy a big one and split it an half so you can one bit at home and one bit in your changing bag?
I think i may have to go with the 'get a big one and cut it in half' theory :wink:

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