Camping trip and other points


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2015
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Hi everyone,

So basically I have been camping for the past couple of weeks and been lifting heavy items abd been in a really muddy field which is usually meant for crops etc so has had manure spread etc, I noticed there qas another pregnant lady but she looked further on than me.. I'm 12 weeks by the way. I'm really worried as lifted heavy things got covered in mud ate things from a cool box etc and just so worried that something has gone wrong or that I've got toxoplasmosis or listeriosis or something. I have my 12 week scan tomorrow hoping everything is ok :-(
Try not to panic Hun, lfe can't stop when we are pregnant and I'm sure you'll be totally fine. Whenever I worry about overdoing things or doing things that I'm unsure about I try and think of people who don't know they're pregnant, or living with addiction or in terrible conditions. Babies are so hardy, they take what they need from us and we end up feeling pants!

I hope your scan tomorrow goes ok and you manage to relax tonight! Xx
Thank you that's really reassuring :-) if the scan goes well I will post a picture :-) xx
Completely agree...babies are resilient little things so I am sure you and bubba will be just fine. Best of luck with your scan, can't wait to see a PIC xx
The only reason they tell you not to lift heavy things is because of the increase in progesterone when you're pregnant, which makes you more prone to pulling something. You'd know about it if you had! It has nothing to do with the health of your baby. I'm sure everything will be fine xx

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