Campbell Ashton Noonan- 29th Nov 2010


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Dec 6, 2009
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Well... I can't stop staring at my little man! I can't believe we have made such a beaut!

So the mess BEFORE the birth story-as you know my waters went on Sat 27th at a birthday party! I went into hospital to make sure it was waters as they only leave you 24 hours after wwaters going before induction...APPARANTLY...
Midwife said it was waters but she thought there could be meconium in them and after a second opinion it was decided it was def meconium and I was to be induced that night..EEK.

I wad taken down to delivery and a lovely midwife talked me through the process. She was about to start the induction and was examining me when she discovered CLEAR running waters! After checking with consultant it was agreed no meconium BUT they would keep me in to monitor the risk of infection. Grr. I was happy bubs wasnt stressed but disappointed I wouldnt be meeting my lil man that night. Also irritated at the misdiagnosis of the 1st midwife. I also hated the thought of having to stay in on my own. Needless to say I didnt sleep nor did I sleep the next night...then Monday came!!

I was given the opportunity to go into labour naturally but by 8am on Monday I was still not having any contractions. I was taken down to delivery and put on a drip to start labour. Then the fun began!!

10:40am Drip was inserted.
12:40pm First contraction was felt.

Contractions were coming quick and fast immediately. I instantly had pressure in my bum. That was the most horrid feeling! I kept saying I NEED A POO! lmao.

4:00pm I asked the midwife to examine me early to see how dilated I was as the pressure in my bum was now incredible! I was certain things were progressing very quickly! She did so and I was 5cm dilated. I was 2cm before the induction began so hadnt progressed too quickly. I was thinking 'god I cant do this for another 4 hours!

4:45pm Midwife goes on her break and a lovely PostNatal midwife covers for her. I am complaining about the pressure im my bum and she says she thinks baby could be close. Because I was induced I had to be on the ECG machine the entire time to keep track of babes heartrate. They could not get a consistant trace because I was moving so much so they asked if they could put a clip on the babies head to monitor him. By this point my body is taking over and I am getting the most intense urge to push... when this feeling comes you cannot control it. The midwives were asking me to pant through it as it was far to early but I couldnt fight it. It was even making me GRUNT! haha

5:10pm Midwife goes to put the clip on his head to find that I am fully dilated and the babies head is about to crown! haha. In an hour I went from 5cm to fully dilated! it was amazing. As soon as she said that my OH welled up and text everyone saying baby was imminent... very imminent indeed....

Two pushes later and my lil dude was born! He was born at 5.24pm weighing 7lbs 6ozs. Couldnt believe how little he was considering my bump and being 9 days late! I was expecting a bruiser! We named him Campbell Ashton. Campbell being my maiden name and his middle name beginning with A so that he has the same initials as his Daddy (CAN).

Because I pushed him out so fast he is still a little mucassy but it is going. Cant believe he is here! I asked to be discarged from hospital on Tuesday afternoon as I had overstayed my welcome. We are home and he is settling in well. I am not coping with BFeeding too well so I am going to start to top up with formula.

Anyway here are some piccies of my lil dude. Thanks for all your lovely messages and to Beth for keeping you all updated.

Much Love



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What a lovely story! Very impressed with going from 5cm to fully dilated in an hour! Congratulations - he is gorgeous!

well done lovely he is really cute!1 cant believe our babies are here!!!! enjoy and try not to stress or worry to much about feeding i was getting so worked up about it and now im just bottle feeding and lily is doing great
all the best xx
:love: congratulations sweetie, he is gorgeous! Xx
Oh he is soooo gorgeous!! Massive, massive congratulations hun xxxx
Great story, what progress in an hour!! Lovely little man :)
Well done and congratulations!

Do you have breastfeeding support workers where you are? They come to my house every couple of days and really really helped me out. Even though id been to breastfeeding classes, read the books and watched the DVD i was still not supporting his head correctly and that is why latching on was hurting. As soon as i was told to support his neck so he could put his head back it was like someone had waved a magic wand! Now 12 days old he's thriving.

Good luck though, whatever you choose to do. He really is gorgeous!

Congrats :) Midwife obviously spent too long on Post Natal, Grunting was taught as being one of the the most obvious signs of imminent delivery where I did my placements!

He's gorgeous! Congratulations hun! We're topping up with formula for night feeds, LO seems to sleep longer! x x
Thanks ladies! He is so adorable. Such a time waster as I can spend literally hours just looking at him... :)

Yes there is bfeeding support around here but I dont think the latch is wrong, I just am not getting on with the feeling and the constant demand. He seems to like to suckle just for comfort. I think had I not been in hospital from the saturday night with no sleep until last night I wouldnt have even thought about formula but I was seriously at the end of my tether. Mixed feeding seems to be going well and he is much more settled finally resting between feeds to and going four hours btween! yippee.

Lovely picture's congratulations,

And you look so much different than i imagined wow :D
Aww Well done!! You and I have near identical birth stories lol

Congrats xx

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