Calling all ladies who've had BFP's!! please help :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Just wondered when you lovely ladies got your BFP, how soon it was before or after your af was due, what test you used and how faint/ dark test line was? Also any unusual circumstances.

Thanks so much for your help :) I really appreciate it x x
Mine was a couple of days after af due. Came up immediately with a very strong line. However, few months ago had a faint positive which gradually got fainter and then I had a mc.

However, they do say it doesn't matter how faint or dark it's to do with the amount of ink or something in the test. Also testing at different times of day can give different results. X
So sorry about your mc Frankie and congratulations too! Hope this time you've got a really sticky bean :)

Thanks for your help, still waiting for af, 4 days late but getting definate bfn, not sure how reliable or sensitive the cheap dip stick hpt's are? Just trying to make sense of my situation x x
I got mine 9 days after af was due, I always like to leave a week to give me the best chance of a bfp, both my boys were faint line,s after a week so I don,t think I,d have got a bfp before that lol. This time tho we had been on hol and I was really stressed about flying so I thought af was delayed. I got a very strong bfp on a Tesco,s own, the test line came up before the control line!!

*ETA* my faint line,s were on the cheap dip sticks!!
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Thanks masonowen :) that's really helpful and gives me some hope for bfp :) you're very patient waiting that long hun, I couldn't do it! Wow that is strong, test line before control line! Congratulations too :) x x
I did mine the day ( maybe 2 at most) - after af was due - didnt use a FMU - but it was a clear blue digital rather than a cheapie.

Thank you, I hope you get your bfp. I,m not normally a patient person but I really wanted to see those lines so the longer I left it the better my chance of getting it. This time it took us a year to conceive and I was worried about testing, I really didn't,t want to see a bfn, and read great stress can delay af so I left it a bit longer just to be sure.
Thanks I_maclean and congrats :), was it faint? x x
the clear blue digital doesnt have lines. it just says pregnant or not pregnant. then a number that relates to weeks. so a couple of days after af was due i got pregant 2-3.

Ive never tried the cheaper ones, so dunno what kinda difference there is - but i think the digital ones are a bit more sensite, although the conception time indicator isnt all that accurate. xxx
Thank you, I hope you get your bfp. I,m not normally a patient person but I really wanted to see those lines so the longer I left it the better my chance of getting it. This time it took us a year to conceive and I was worried about testing, I really didn't,t want to see a bfn, and read great stress can delay af so I left it a bit longer just to be sure.

Its only our first cycle but so impatiant and it took us 9 noths to conceive Millie by which time I thought it was never gonna happen. Just don't want to feel like that again and just keep thinking that I am x x
Hi Hun I took a predictor test at 10dpo and got the line below I then took a dig at 12 dpi and got a 1-2 weeks.
Like others have said don't worry about how dark the line is a positive is a positive
Good luck xxx


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I hadn't had a period due to PCOS since feb this year and was told in June that it would be very difficult for me to conceive. In early August I started getting really bad nausea and my boobs were really sore. I didn't think I could be pregnant but I took a test as I knew that would be the first question the GP would ask me. I took the test on August 12th and low and behold it was positive and I was in absolute shock! I had my first scan September 15th and was 11 weeks 3 days so when I took the test I would have been 6 weeks 4 days!

Before my scan I kept taking loads of tests to make sure I wasn't dreaming! And all had dark lines. The pics were the first 2 I took!


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I tested about 4 days after AF was due with a clear blue digi and got my bfp xx

I kinda think at least with digi there's no worrying about lines xx
I was a bit rubbish lol and was already a month late for af before it even occurred to me to test :roll:. So glad tbh as an early bfp would have really done my head in I think
Firstly congratulations to you all! :)

Sleepy sue - not getting any line whatsoever hun, thanks :) x x

Tillzy - Wow what an amazing story :D just goes to show it can happen against all the odds! Thanks hun x x

Beckyboo - so true about the digi, I love them :) Shame they're so expensive tho. Would have to wait til I knew for sure before getting one, wish they would come down in price. Thanks hun x x
I was a bit rubbish lol and was already a month late for af before it even occurred to me to test :roll:. So glad tbh as an early bfp would have really done my head in I think

I wish it would happen to me like that, now of the waiting etc, so much better! :) Bet you must have been shocked too! Congratulations hun! :) x x
I tested with Superdrugs own test. My period was about 9 days late (being pregnant was the last thing I thought it was!)
Rachel - Congratulations hun! What a lovely surprise :) was the line dark? x x
Rachel - Congratulations hun! What a lovely surprise :) was the line dark? x x

Thankyou :D Yes it was very noticable and showed up almost straight away! I went out and bought another test (exact same) the same day and it showed up straight away again :)
I was a bit rubbish lol and was already a month late for af before it even occurred to me to test :roll:. So glad tbh as an early bfp would have really done my head in I think

I wish it would happen to me like that, now of the waiting etc, so much better! :) Bet you must have been shocked too! Congratulations hun! :) x x

After I picked my best mate up off the floor I then had to tell the OH....good job he was sitting down cos he's a bit of a lump lmao

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