burping !


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2010
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Hi ! My little Scarlet is now two weeks old and she's doing well,putting on weight fine,she's now 3kg after being only 2.640 at birthr etc.. My only concern is that she never burps ! I'm breastfeeding so I know she doesn't swallow as much air as if she was bottle fed but she started having 'winds',she makes little grunts and brings up her legs to her tummy and look quite uncomfortable when she sleeps..she does hiccup quite a lot I don't know if that's related ? I've tried different methods for burping her but nothing comes out :-(( any tips ?
Thank you !
Dentinox worked for me, Lacey has colic though! Since using the dentinox she burps more than she did, even though its still not alot. xxx
I used to use infacol a lot - apparently it gathers up all the little bubbles and makes them into 1 big bubble for burping! Also if you sit with a cushion on your lap and Scarlet laying on it on her tummy and sway your knees/rub her back...that used to work for Lizze :) Oh and holding her up to burp as normal but swinging side-to-side, helps the bubbles come up!
Caitlin used to do this and the midwife said it could be something I was eating and to drink peppermint tea as it would go through my breastmilk,
Infacol worked for us, took a week or two to notice the benefits though. They are really hard to wind when they are so small but try different position until you find one that helps her the most.

thank you lovely ladies for all your advices,I'm off to buy peppermint tea and will try the different positions first..if not better I'll get on with infacol !
I used to pat/rub on the back and then after no luck a few mins later , I would gently tip Devon down as if he was laying down flat again and then sit him straight back up again and carry on, it gives the bubbles a help to get up again. I do have to keep winding for a long time tho to get Devons up.

Have you tried winding halfway through a feed, then feeding again? saves it building up so much by end of feed
Ah yeah,I sort of tried that but I think the problem is that I don't do it for long enough,She's very sleepy after a feed and I feel bad for 'disturbing 'her ,lol ! Also don't think I'm firm enough,she's so small I'm scared to break her,I'm such a wimp ! hehe

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