

Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2012
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Hi Ladies

When did you start showing?

I'm 15 weeks and still don't have a bump a few people have said to me they are disappointed and expected me to be bigger. Being super sensitive and hormonal it's really getting to me!

I know I'm being silly and I'll have a bump soon enough, just having a moan really!

L xx
I just looked fat at 15 weeks!, I'm a size 14 pre pregnancy anyway so figured it'd take a bit longer to show than someone smaller. But i'd say i actually started looking pregnant at about 18 weeks, then bump went hard at 20 weeks :) x

I've read ladies on here saying they just popped one day and suddenly looked huge :), sure your bump will come soon x
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Hey Hun,

I didn't have a proper bump until around 20 weeks, before which I just looked fatter around the middle!! I am sure you will pop out soon xx
I've got a tiny bump which started to poke out about 15 weeks, there's a pic of it in the bumps stickie but it hasn't really grown much from then lol still pretty much tiny xxxx
I've JUST started to show :). No longer do I look just like I've eaten too much cake! It'll creep up on you :). You'll notice that you gradually won't fit into your old clothes anymore lol! People are still surprised I'm so tiny though. Don't worry, everyone carries differently :).

Im 27 weeks and you can only see my bump if i wear a tight top and i havent put on any weight any were else, which is annoying people are always saying that im so small its as if they dont believe im pregnant i just keep telling my self it will be less weight to shift once lo is here but im still wanting my bump to be bigger but my midwife told me not to worry baby is a good size in there and thats the only thing that matters.
just started last week at 20 weeks x
i now just look pregnant in tighter fitting clothes, but in loose things i'm sure i just look fat! lol
aww, dont let other people's opinions upset you....everyone's different, and your bump could just appear overnight!! Thats what seems to have happened to me!! At 15 weeks I was worried too that I wasnt showing, but now I can definitely see my bump and starting to get hard too! So don't worry!! xx
16 weeks now and was showing a little bump today wearing a fitted vest, I know I don't look pregnant if I'm in anything baggier xx
I've got a podge at the moment but unless people actually know I'm pregnant, no one's noticed. Can't wait to get a bump! X
I showed early, I had bloat from about 5 weeks and a small bump from about 11 weeks, which actually looked like podge. I get comments the other way people asking me if there are twins in there. :cry:

I think some people can just be a bit insensitive really and make us feel paranoid about our bumps, when actually we should feel very proud either way.

We are all beautiful ladies carrying precious cargo and so long as our LO's are healthy we should worry about how we look (easier said than done though eh?)
People I know are just starting to mention it now at 18 weeks :) I can definitely feel my bump when laying down as its just started to feel hard to touch. But im sure people outside of family and friends will just think ive eaten too many easter eggs :) x
My bump only started showing at around 21 weeks so don't worry what other people say as they don't know what they are talking about! lol x
Like FirstBabyEek, I showed really early.

I'm usually a size 10ish normally, and a curvy girl, (tits and arse lol) and didn't have a flat tummy before but not a flobby one, but I started showing at about 7 weeks, had a bump bump at about 10-11 weeks... Couldn't really hide it tbh, and my bumps always been hard the whole way through!

But some girlies are different, my friend is two weeks behind me and she doesn't have much of a bump yet at all.
Also another friend of mine is gone 20 weeks and doesn't have a bump at all!

I wouldn't worry or panic, you'll get a lovely bump soon :D.
:D xxx
Aw thanks girls. Everyone is so different!

It's the only time in our lives we actually want our tummies to grow!

I will enjoy wearing my skinny jeans until the time comes to hang them up now!

L x

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