
Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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i can't wait for a bump to start showing, i have a minni, minni bump under my flab but i wanna start showing, i love it when you start showing how long will it be till my bump takes over my flab? i thought about 14/15 weeks is when you start getting a bump but i still not got one yet :( lol i'm so impatient :lol: :lol:
you'll see, one day you will get up and think, where has this come from????? myself, i have a bump but if people don't know i'm pg they will just think i've eaten too many cakes!!!! can't wait to have a proper big bump.
Hehe Anna I too have a mini bump but only when I lay down and my flab flattens :lol: . I am also very impatient but I do know once I have a noticeable bump it becomes HUGE and find life a bit difficult nearing the end! We never blinkin satisfied :p
me too Anna, Im only just under 9 stone so you would think it would show quickly but theres a slight bump, i should post a pic really....maybe i will do that today. sometimes it looks bigger than others.
Mine just literally appeared overnight in week 19 and has stayed the same size ever since lol
well i was chatting to a friend while she was walking her dog earlier and she asked me if i was pregnant, i said y yes lol and she asked how far gone i was etc... the usual lol anyway aparently i look pregnant, my flab has tuned into a bump shape :? i know it's not baby bump cas its under my flab (slowly getting bigger) and i have lost weight recently (in the flabby bits pmsl) but she said it looks just like a minni bump poping out of my clothes :? and that she has never seem me look like that so she guessed i must be pregnant :shock: not sure if i should take it as a compliment or as me being fat :oops: :oops: although i am sure i have been losing weight cas i can feel and see it on my flabby bits and so can my mummy (think the flab is moving from my belly to my boobs ha ha) btw i not been trying to lose weight i been eating as much as i can but i think the sickness doesn't help lol
Well im glad im not alone i keep thinking when will my bump look like a baby bump and not just flab but some things i wear the bump shows up and other things i wear i just look i did before getting pregnant fat, my belly is hard at times and all my scans have showed up ok so i know for sure there is a baby in there :)

Sending lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all
awhhhh... I am exactly the same I was only small to start out with but in my eyes I just look like I have eaten too much!!! :oops:

Sometimes it makes me mad and I want to stick it out ha ha!! But I cant wait till I get a real round bumpage!! Like Anna23 mentioned I hope its not too long off!!!!! :wink:


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