Brown blood goin out of my mind


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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i just been to the toilet and wiped quite a bit of brown blood. i looked it up and some say its normal and some say it was the start of a miscarrige. im tottaly shittin myself.
I'd try not to worry too much. Brown blood is old blood and often women bleed a small amount around the time their period would have been due. It's not uncommon. Lots of women have this happen. Your ticker tells me you'd be around that time now.

I'd just keep an eye and if you experience fresh blood that keeps appearing and have cramps and pain along with it, then call your MW. Otherwise sit tight and don't fret too much.

I had fresh bleeding in first tri and tbh, unless its a lot and you have severe pain, they tend to not worry too much. There really is nothing they can do, as crappy as that sounds. They can refer you to the EPU for a scan, but tend to do this only if they think there is good cause.

:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

It can be a number of things but as long as it's brown, doesn't go bright red and you have no pains this sounds fine.

Brown is old blood, maybe it's your body clearing out?

Maybe speak to your GP or midwife if you have one yet.

If it makes you feel a bit calmer.. I had bleeding throughout 1st and 2nd tri, bright red too although not massively heavy and everything worked out ok. Bleeding in first tri is a lot more common than you think.

Obviously if it gets any worse go to EPU especially if it becomes painful.

Hope everything ok for you hun :hug: :hug:
Justed wanted to let you know that I'm getting this to. It always scares me to but just wanted to let you know that your not alone. As people have already said if your not getting strong pains (not aches and things) and bleeding then try not to worry, but i know its hard. :hug: :hug:
in my first pg I had old brown blood which was nothing, the pg was okay. My mc was fresh red blood. Im sure you will be okay :hug: :hug:
Steelgoddess said:
Ignore any bleeding unless you have cramping...

:hug: :hug:

I've read this too... Please don't worry too much, if you are worried, call NHS 24 hr service or your midwife tomorrow morning :hug: Can't imagine the worry you're feeling right now.

I've read so many posts where people are bleeding and they end up having a very healthy baby.

Like Sherlock said, it sounds like old blood :)

Thinking of you. Try to sleep well :hug: xxx
well i ended up goin into hospital due to crampin, they shifted me over to singleton hospital as they have the equipment. I had to have a swab done and they found quite a bit of fresh blood, so cleaned me up, they wanted me to stay overnight but i didnt want to as no one can look after my lil girl. But i have to keep an eye on it, im not in any pain now. if it gets heavy i have to go back in, if not i got a scan booked for monday morning. :|
Hello again,

Really pleased you went to the hospital and got it checked out. If nothing but for your peace of mind. If they felt strongly that you may have miscarried, I think they'd have prepared you for the news surely?!

Well, although Monday is not far away, I can't imagine how tomorrow will be for you. :hug:

Keep an eye on it though. Are you getting any cramping with the blood?

Really hope everything works out for you hun, keep us updated and let us know if anything changes so that we can try to comfort you :hug: HUGE hug for you xxx
I know its very frightning and I had this with my 2nd and dived off to hospital for a scan and all WAS fine and they told me it was spotting and completely normal and it normally happens when the baby is still burying into the lining.
well the bleeding has stopped im still crampin but i just think it was coincedental. The doctor frightened the hell out of me lol. But she didnt kno where the blood was commin from and sed she can see anything wrong so i guess thas good news. I think things are fine now, just gonna rest now lol.
Thanx for all the comments girls i will let u kno wot happens 2moz
FXed for your scan :hug: I'm sure it is nothing to worry about hun :hug:
wtf jem :shock: y am i last to kno y have u not told me bout this huh not happy u betta let me kno 2morro how it goes :shakehead: x
Sending very best wishes Jem :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had bright blood bleeding with Isaac in Tri1 and all was well with him, always see your GP/MW and get a scan if you're worried :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

You poor thing, it causes so much worry when you get spotting/bleeding during pregnancy.

Make sure you tell your GP/midwife and get a scan for reassurance.

I had it all the way through first tri with my first, red bleeding too and had early scans, they couldn't see where it was coming from for me.

I've had a little bit of light brown CM and pink streaks a few times this time around but thankfully it's all settled down again.

Know just how you're feeling though.

Take things easy and try and get a scan xx

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