Brogan Brian Bell


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
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hi guys first time i have been on here for a little while.

would like to announce the arrivel of Brogan Brian Bell on the 6th june 2010 6 days early.

woke up on sunday morning with a few niggles in my back about 7am nothing really to complain about thought it was the way i had lay in bed all night. lay for about an hour and they kept coming do though i would get up and go down the stairs and see if it helped at about 8.15 but then i started getting a shooting pain up my back so woke hubby up and asked him to run me a bath to see if it helped and incase i had to phone midwife. but hubby was determined we where phoning the midwife straight away when he was running bath as we where having a home birth this time and he remembered my second sons labour had started this way.

so i jumped in bath at 8.45 when hubby phoned midwife who said she would be straaight over. got out the bath and was still getting the niggles as i called them at the time. when i got downstair they where not niggles anymore they where catching my breath. so midwife came in at 9.30 and started getting things out of her bag before she checked me over and to see how often i was having the pain. she checked me over 10 min later to realise i was 8cm dilated yeah 8cm i was so shocked.

second midwife arrived 5 min later as she was in area going to see other ladies for check ups. and my midwife said she could go and check on her other ladies if she wanted then come back and just as she said that i got the urge to start pushing. she decided she was staying. i got down on my knees on the floor and was leaning over couch to help my back when i got another almighty urge to push. midwife agreed for me to push and after a few pushed Brogan was born at 10.20 in the morning weighing 9lb 2oz. another quick birth which is one of the reasons i picked to have a home birth.

Brogan needed just a little bit of oxygen when he was borrn cause he was in a bit of shock that he was out as quick. midwifes cleaned and i had my skin to skin contact while feeding and i felt so relaxed. midwifes left about 12.30 and it has been wonderful since.

will try and get some pics up soon as my laptop still not working and using hubbies and cant remember where the are all stored.
:love: what a wonderful story. God that was quick :shock: xx
Blimey that was a quick one!

Glad everything went and sounds very relaxed, if not a little quick lol!

:love: thats fantastic! congratulations!!! What a brill labour story too.

I just posted wishing you need!!
Almost beat Alice there :lol:

Fab story hun and can't wait to see your little boy, Congrats xx
Flipping heck lucky you!! Congratulations on such a wonderful birth xxx
:love: Oh wow hun, we were thinking about you guys who are due this week just this evening :hug:

Congrats hun :love:
Wow that was a quick one! Congratulations on your little man xx
Congratulations! Gosh that was quick x I want a home birth too hope it goes as smoothly as yours x x beautiful name and can't wait to see him x
congrats that great news looking forward too seeing a photo x
Wow what an inspirational birth story!! Welcome to the world little Brogan!!
Huge congrats hun! Sounds like a fantastic birth and such a lovely name!! x x
A wonderful birth story, congratulations on your home birth :love: xxx
Wow, sounds amazing! Congratulations hun, love the name! Cant wait to see pics! xx
congrats again karen :) lucky you planned to have a home birth, there wouldnt have been time to get to the hopsital!!

That birth story sounds amazing! :yay: Well done on the birth of little Brogan :) Xx

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